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Evergreen 8.9
Support Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
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Donor Wall
March 06, 2024
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Search Designations
1804 Fund Endowment
1804 Special Library Endowment-En
25th Reunion-1957
60th Anniversary Scholarship Fund-En
73 West State Award
Abhishek Singh Scholarship-En
Abigail Hobbs Faerber, D.O. and George Oswald Faerber, D.O. Endowed Scholar
Academic Advancement Center
Academy of Excellence
Ackerman Appalachian Scholarship
Ackerman Appalachian Scholarship-Sp
ACRN Charles Voge Scholarship
Ada Margaret Wilson Saviers Schlr Fd.-En
Adam and Lauren Porter Family Scholarship-En
Adam and Lauren Porter Family Scholarship-Sp
Adobe Research Support Fund
Adolph D. and Mary W. Brose Memorial Scholarship
Advocates for the Ohio Osteopathic Association Scholarship-En
AEP Foundation Watershed Research and Education Program
Africa to Ohio Scholarship-En
African American Studies Department General Support Fund-Sp
African Studies Program
AiAA Digital Avionics Technical Committee Scholarship-En
Air Force ROTC
Akron Association of Ohio University Women's Lillie Greer Scholarship Fund-
Akron Association of Ohio University Women's Lillie Greer Scholarship Fund-
Alan Aichinger Memorial-En
Alan E. & Ruby T. Riedel/Manasseh Cutler Sch.-En
Alan Gough Arts Scholarship
Albers Family Scholarship
Albers Family Scholarship-Sp
Albert L. Varacallo, Jr., M.D. Memorial Primary Care Scholarship in Memor
Albert and Gladys Rosensweet Nursing Scholarship
Alice Lockard/Early Childhood Education
Alice O. Kemmerle Scholarship Endowment
Alison Clarey, D.O., Osteopathic Medical Scholarship
All Greek Scholarship Fund-En
Allushuski Fund for Women's Studies-En
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alumni Association
Alvin Adams Scholarship in Journalism
Alwin Nikolais/Murray Louis/ Gladys Balin Archive Fund
Amanda Cunningham Leadership Center Endowment-En
Amelia G. Tunanidas, D.O. Scholarship
American Assoc. of University Women Schol.
AMVET Diabetes Research Institute
Amy Allen Special Education Scholarship
Anatomy Research Fund
Ancient History
Andrea Delmage Williams Scholarship
Andrew Alexander Scholarship in Journalism
Andrew and Barbara Kreutzer Sports Administration Scholarship-En
Andy Dolich Endowed Scholarship-En
Angela Ater Ulrich Scholarship
Angela Ater Ulrich Scholarship-Sp
Ann Kittle King Merit Scholarship/Education
Ann Lee Hancock Konneker-Manasseh Cutler-En
Ann Peden Urbach Scholarship
Annie and Matt Cacciato Sports Administration Scholarship-Sp
Anonymous Scholarship/Honors Tutorial College-Sp
Anthony G. Trisolini Memorial-En
Anthony Holland Churchville Memorial
Anthony R.J. Andrews Mem. Schol.
Appalachian Rural Health Institute General Support Fund
Appalachian Scholars Emergency Fund-Sp
Appalachian Scholars General Scholarship Endowment-En
Appalachian Scholars General Scholarship Fund-Sp
Appalachian Scholars Scholarship Fund
Appalachian STEM Enrichment Academy-Sp
Apple Growth Partners Scholarship
Archie Greer Scholarship-En
Ardo Family Scholarship-En
Ardo Family Scholarship-Sp
Arlene F. Greenfield Endowed Scholarship
Arlene F. Greenfield Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Arlene Sloan Dream Big Dare to Fail Scholarship-En
Arline & Clay Littick Loan Fund
Army ROTC Endowment Fund-En
Art Therapy Documentary Fund
Arthur J. & Kathleen Marinelli History Schol.
Arthur J. & Kathleen A. Marinelli Scholarship-En
Arthur/Kathleen Marinelli Secondary Math Educ-En
Arts and Sciences General Support Fund
Arts for OHIO Fund
Athena Cinema Support Fund
Athens Capital Partners and Parilla-Valeda Foundation Scholarship
Athens Capital Partners and Parilla-Valeda Foundation Scholarship-Sp
Athens Center for Film and Video
Athens Community Music School
Athens Community Music School Support Fund-Sp
Athens County Education Award
Athens News Bob Baker Scholarship Fund-En
Athletic Trainers Alumni
Austin-Bailey Health and Wellness Foundation Doctors Hospital Service Leagu
Austin-Bailey Health and Wellness Foundation Gerald L. Meek Osteopathic Stu
Aviation Training
Avionics Engineering Center's Award of Excellence-En
Axline Scholarship in Professional Selling-En
B.A. Renkenberger Memorial Endowment
Bailin-Stern Award-En
Baker University Center Endowment-Sp
Baker University Center Programming Fund - WIP
Balogh Scholarship in Education
Barbara A. Bennett, D.O., ('84), Osteopathic Medical Scholarship
Barbara and Paul Andary Student Enrichment Fund-En
Barbara Ann and Michael L. York Scholarship
Barbara Geralds Institute for Storytelling and Social Impact-En
Barbara J. Reed Scholarship-En
Barbara J. Reichenbach Scholarship
Barbara Pinson Russo Memorial Scholarship-En
Barry W. Gillum Nursing Opportunity Scholarship-En
Beatrice Selotlegeng Scholarship
Bebee Leadership Award at OU-Chillicothe-En
Becca Mead Scholarship Fund
Ben Saunders Memorial Scholarship-En
Benchoff Green and White Scholarships
Berman Family Award in Dance-En
Bernadine L. Allen Biological Sciences Memorial Fund-En
Bernard Edwards Scholarship
Bernard Master D.O. Scholarship
Bernard R. (Skip) and Patricia Zanner Gebhart Award in Journalism-En
Bernard R. (Skip) and Patricia Zanner Gebhart Fund for the Ohio University
Bernard R. (Skip) and Patricia Zanner Gebhart Fund for the Ohio University
Bernard R. (Skip) and Patricia Zanner Gebhart Music Scholarship
Bertha L. Calhoun Scholarship Fund
Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society General Support Fund
Beta Theta Pi Scholarship
Betty Milhendler Dance Scholarship-En
Betty Moran Chorale Music Fund
Betty Walberg and Madeleine Scott Endowed Scholarship for Dance-En
Betty Walberg and Madeleine Scott Endowed Scholarship for Dance-Sp
Betty Walberg Memorial Scholarship
Beverly JoAnn Williams Scholarship
Bill Huntsman Organic Chemistry Student Award
Bill W. Dingus Technology Building Account
Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences Undergrad Teaching Fund-En
Bitsy Merriman Scholarship-En
Black Bear Award in Honor of John Butler
Blinn Family Scholarship
Blinn Family Scholarship-Sp
Bob and Kay Rader Scholarship-En
Bob Smith Electronic Media Account
Bobcat Esports Club General Support Fund-Sp
Bonna and Thomas DeMarco Endowed Scholarship
Botswana Rehabilitation Services
Brad Moorhead Scholarship-En
Brad Moorhead Scholarship-Sp
Brandon T. & Ann Grover Lecture Series-En
Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Breitenberger/Wright Graduate Endowment Fund
Brian Brown Memorial Scholarship
Brian Brown Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Brian D. McCoy ABLE GED Graduate Scholarship
Brian McIntyre Memorial Fund
Brig. Gen. James M. Abraham, P.E., & Meryl R. Abraham Memorial. Endowed Sch
Bruce Americus Scholarship
Bruce Americus Scholarship-Sp
Bruce Lombardo Hopewell Culture Internship Program Support Fund for Ohio Un
Bruce R. Tong Family Scholarship-En
Bruce R. Tong Family Scholarship-Sp
Bryant and Irma Austin Scholarship
Bryant and Irma Austin Scholarship-Sp
Building & Grounds-Campus Beautification
Bukley Design Endowment
Bunch of Grapes/Massachusetts Chapter Serving New England Scholarship
Burkhart Scholarship
Burnier-Descutner Honors Tutorial College Enrichment Experience-EN
Burnier-Descutner Veterans and Military Services Emergency Scholarship-En
Bush-Manasseh Cutler Scholarships-En
C B & June Stephenson Scholarship
C-Suite Support Fund
C. D. Moore Opportunity Scholarship
C. E. Berry Scholarship
C. Wright Mills Social Policy Fund-En
C&J Hellmann Family Scholarship-En
C&J Hellmann Family Scholarship-Sp
Cameron Portales
Campus Involvement Center
Campus Life Fund
Capital Internship Student Support Fund-Sp
Captain Nathan Douglas Richeson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Career Paths in Digital Literacy Program-Sp
Career Services
Carl D. Chambers Memorial Scholarship
Carl Gustavson Book
Carlotta Eisen Scholarship Fund-En
Carnegie Hall Support Fund
Carol & Harold Harbeitner, Jr. Scholarship-En
Carole Jean Marchal Scholarship Fund-Sp
Carolina's Scholarship Fund-En
Carolyn Williams Lester Memorial Fund
Carroll Book Grant Fund-En
Cat Camp Support Fund
Center for Campus and Community Engagement Endowment-Sp
Center for Community Service-Women in Philanthropy Initiative-En
Center for Entrepreneurship
Center for International Studies Fund for Student Travel, Research, and Int
Center for International Studies Global Learning Fund
Center for International Studies Scholarship Support Fund
Center for Intervention Research in Schools (CIRS) Support Fund
Center for Law, Justice & Culture Support Fund
Center for Law, Justice, and Culture Social Justice Internship Support Fund
Central Ohio Chapter OU Alumni Scholarship-En
Central Ohio Section - American Society of Civil Engineers Scholarship
Central Region Humanities Center-En
Ceramics Visiting Artist
Cerminara/Pietraszewski First Generation Scholarship-En
Chaddock Belpre High School Alumni Scholarship
Chairman's Aviation Scholarship
Chang Ying-Chien Endowed Professorship of Paleontology-En
Charlene E. & William Y. Smith Scholarship
Charles "Chip" Rogers Tribute Scholarship-En
Charles & Charlotte Love Educ. Fund-Sp
Charles and Harriet Carlson Emeriti Park Fund
Charles and Judy Beck Fund for Tantrum Theater-En
Charles and Lucille King Family Foundation WOUB Internship Fund in Memory o
Charles and Shirley Higgins Sports Administration Scholarship-En
Charles E. Miller Scholarship & Research
Charles J. Ping Institute for the Teaching of the Humanities-En
Charles L. and Marlain R. Evans Scholarship
Charles L. Scott Endowed Scholarship Fund
Charles Overby-Create For Good With Green Technology By Design Award
Charles R. & Marilyn Y. Stuckey Urban Scholarship-En
Charles R. and Marilyn Y. Stuckey Appalachian Scholarship-En
Charles R. and Marilyn Y. Stuckey Russ Vision Scholarship Fund
Charles R. and Marilyn Y. Stuckey Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
Charles R. Stuckey, Jr. and Marilyn Y. Stuckey Fund for The Academic and Re
Charles W. Allbritain Education Scholarship-En
Charles W. Jarrett Memorial Scholarship-En
Charles Wickert and Motorists Insurance Group Scholarship Fund
Charles Wickert and Motorists Insurance Group Scholarship Fund-Sp
Charlotte C. & John M. Eufinger Award-Sp
Charlotte LaTourrette Health Education
Charlotte Orlowski-Eicher Scholarship Fund
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Student Activiites
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry Alumni Advisory Board Scholarship-Sp
Chemistry Graduate Student Support Fund
Chemistry Scholarship
Chicago Chapter Alumni Network Scholarship
Child Development Center Parent Advisory Board-Sp
Childhood Immunization Program-Sp
Chillicothe Athletics
Chillicothe Campus Faculty Scholarship
Chillicothe Endowment-En
Chris "CP" Parsons Scholarship
Chris Glaser Memorial Scholarship
Christine T. Twardzik Memorial Scholarship
Christopher Gadsden, MSA '93, Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Chubu/Japanese Study Abroad Program
Chuck and Joanne Ciuni Family Scholarship
Chuck and Joanne Ciuni Family Scholarship-Sp
Citizen's Deposit Bank Scholarship Fund
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Class of 1994 Scholarship
Civil Engineering Class of 1994 Scholarship-Sp
Civil Engineering Structural Software Fund
Clarence & Kathleen Bryan Scholarship-En
Clarence and Grace Marie Feil Scholarship
Clarence White Jr. Lectureship in Photography-En
Clark E., Sr. and Marie J. Williams Memorial Scholarship-En
Class of 1960 Scholarship
Class of 1961 Scholarship
Classics & Religious Studies Discretionary Account-Sp
Classics & Religious Studies Faculty Enhancement Fund-Sp
Classics & Religious Studies Faculty Development Fund-Sp
Classified Senate Multi-Cultural Scholarship for Appalachian Students-En
Classified Senate Professional Development-En
Clayton and Keely Flaherty Appalachian Heritage
Cleveland Aspiring Doctors Precollege Program Support Fund
Clinical Services
CLJC Law School Application Support Fund-Sp
Club Sports Support Fund
Co-Operative Club Endowed Scholarship-En
Coal Grove Betterment Club Scholarship-En
Cohen & Company, Ltd. Accounting Scholarship
CoLab Makerspace Enhancement Fund
Collaborative Financial Partners Scholarship-En
Collaborative Financial Partners Scholarship-Sp
College of Education Spring Conference Fund
College of Arts and Sciences Emergency Scholarship Fund
College of Arts and Sciences General Scholarship Endowment-En
College of Arts and Sciences General Scholarship Fund-Sp
College of Business Annex Fund
College of Business Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Support Fund-Sp
College of Business Emergency Scholarship Fund
College of Business Entrepreneurship Scholarship
College of Business General Scholarship Endowment-En
College of Business General Scholarship Fund-Sp
College of Business Honors Program
College of Business Minorities Support Fund-Sp
College of Business SAF Fund-En
College of Business SAF Fund-Sp
College of Business Scholarship Fund
College of Communication Scholarship Fund
College of Education Alumni Merit Scholarship-En
College of Education Emergency Scholarship Fund
College of Education Scholarship
College of Education Society of Alumni and Friends Endowment-En
College of Engineering & Technology
College of Fine Arts
College of Fine Arts Dean's Scholarship
College of Fine Arts Dean's Talent Award-Sp
College of Fine Arts Experiential Learning Fund-Sp
College of Fine Arts Faculty and Staff Leadership Awards-Sp
College of Fine Arts General Scholarship Endowment
College of Fine Arts General Scholarship Fund-Sp
College of Fine Arts Lift Student Support Endowment-En
College of Fine Arts Lift Student Support Endowment-Sp
College of Fine Arts Scholarship Fund
College of Fine Arts Visiting Artists Program-En
College of Health Science and Professions Scholarship Support Fund
College of Health Sciences & Professions Alumni Scholarship Fund-En
College of Health Sciences and Professions Discretionary
College of Health Sciences and Professions Emergency Scholarship Fund
College of Health Sciences and Professions General Scholarship Endowment-En
College of Health Sciences and Professions General Scholarship Fund-Sp
Colonel Arlene F. Greenfield, Retired, ROTC Endowment-En
COM Office of Research Fund
Combined Master of Science Program and Dietetics Internship
Communication Internship Support Fund
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Communication Studies
Community Bank Business Scholarship
Commuter + Adult Student Services (CASS) Fund
Comparative Arts GTA Dissertation Research
Computer Science
Condee Family Fine Arts Scholarship-En
Congressman Charlie Wilson Leadership Program
Connie Stevens Memorial Equipment Fund
Connor-Study Chair in Contemporary History-En
Construction Engineering Management Fund-En
Contemporary History Institute
Copeland Scholars Program Fund
Copeland Scholars Start-Up Experience-Sp
Cornelius Ryan Collection Preservation Fund
Cortland Anderson Memorial Award
Costa Lectureship in History-En
Costello Scholarship for Appalachian Students
Counseling & Psychological Services
Counseling and Higher Education-Sp
Counselor Education
Courtney and Paul Tuck Life Science Scholarship
Courtney E. Roush Education Scholarship-En
Courtney E. Roush Education Scholarship-Sp
COVID-19 Ohio University Student Emergency Fund
Cpl. Joshua Harmon Memorial Scholarship
Craig C. Snuggs Memorial Fund for Chemistry Acquisitions-En
Creed Janes Scholarship
Crowe Horwath LLP Outstanding Accounting Student
CSAC Academic Scholarship-En
CSAC Non-Traditional Scholarship-En
CSAC Ohio University Employee Scholarship-En
CSAC Regional Campus Scholarship-En
Curtis M. and Jewel M. Johnson Memorial Scholarship-En
Cutler Scholars Program
Cynthia C. Norkin Scholarship-En
D.J. Evans Memorial/Classics Literature-En
D'Angelo Fellowship for Violin/School-Music-En
Dan Lowe Memorial Sport Management Scholarship-En
Dan Lowe Memorial Sports Journalism Scholarship-En
Daniel and Sophia Medvid Bobcat Legacy Scholarship Endowment-En
Daniel and Sophia Medvid Bobcat Legacy Scholarship Endowment-Sp
Daniel J. Davis Lecture Fund-En
Daniel J. Marazon D.O. Scholarship-En
Daniel Marazon, D.O. Family Medicine Scholarship
Darrell Otto Huwe Scholarship-En
Darren Butler Sports Business Forum & Career Fair
Dave Herbst Memorial Scholarship
David & Miriam Neiman and Manfred & Lotte Buchsbaum Scholarship
David A. and Barbara V. Wolfort Urban Scholarship
David A. and Barbara V. Wolfort Urban Scholarship-Sp
David A. Besanko Scholarship
David A. Besanko Scholarship-Sp
David and Christine Kirch Scholarship
David and Tina Pidwell Russ Vision Scholarship Fund
David and Tina Pidwell Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
David C. Mitchell Fund for Scripps College of Communication
David E. Durham Scholarship Fund
David Hudnell Fund/Archaeology Research/Field
David J. Merk D.O. Memorial Scholarship
David L. and Amber L. Abram Appalachian Scholarship
David N. and Marian R. Keller Journalism Scholarship
David N. Keck Chair
David P. and Catherine A. Levy Scholarship-En
David Wayne Wubbolding Scholarship Fund
Days of Giving Match and Challenge Fund-Sp
Dayton Chapter O.U. Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Dean Dennis Irwin Legacy Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-En
Dean Dennis Irwin Legacy Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
Dean McWilliams Memorial Scholarship-En
Deaner Scholarship for Journalism
Deborah Dowse Runyeon Fine Arts Scholarship Fund
Deborah Dowse Runyeon Fine Arts Scholarship Fund-Sp
Delta Sigma Pi College of Business Fund
Dennis A. & Mary Ann Lupher Scholarship-En
Department of Analytics and Information Systems Enhancement Fund-Sp
Department of Analytics and Information Systems General Scholarship Fund-Sp
Department of Economics Experiential Learning Fund-Sp
Department of Environmental & Plant Biology Faculty and Staff Memorial Fund
Department of Environmental & Plant Biology Faculty and Staff Memorial Fund
Department of Finance CFA Level 1 Exam Award
Department of Finance Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Enhancement Fund-Sp
Department of Finance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Support Fund-Sp
Department of Finance Enhancement Fund
Department of Geological Sciences Endowment-En
Department of Management General Support Fund
Department of Marketing Enhancement Fund
Department of Social and Public Health
Derivatives Management Group
Descutner-Burnier Peer-Educator Award
Diabetes Institute
Diamond Ohio Scholarship Endowment
Diana King Memorial Scholarship Fund of the Charles and Lucille King Family
Diane and Tim Smullen Scholarship
Diane and Tim Smullen Scholarship-Sp
Diane Diekroger Social Services Scholarship-En
Dill-Arnold-Cutler Scholarship
Dingus Family Scholarship-En
Distinguished Professor J. Rapaport Endowment for the Institute of Nuclear
Distinguished Professor Surender K. Jain Scholarship in Mathematics
Distinguished Professor Surender K. Jain Scholarship in Mathematics-Sp
Diversity & Inclusion General Support Fund
Division of Student Affairs Food Pantry Support Fund
Division of Student Affairs Support Fund
Dolores K. Hanna Women in Law Scholarship Fund-En
Don and Patricia Allison Zwayer Scholarship-En
Don and Patricia Allison Zwayer Scholarship-Sp
Don Edwards Scholarship
Don Howard Memorial Award
Don Lambert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Don Ray Broadcasting Scholarship
Donald & Marian Spencer/Africa-Am Collection-En
Donald and Flora Urban Nursing Education Fund for Ohio University Zanesvill
Donald and June Carver Roberts Graduate Art Fellowship
Donald Green Memorial Award-En
Donald M. & Mary E. Borchert Honors Tutorial Scholarship
Donald M. & Mary E. Borchert Honors Tutorial Scholarship-Sp
Donald M. Knox Endowed Scholarship
Donald R. Pollock II Scholarship
Donald/Darlene Stuchell Endowed Scholarship-En
Dora J. Adkins Scholarship-Sp
Dorfman Summer Dance Institute Fund-Sp
Doris and Austin Amery Scholarship Fund
Doris and Austin Amery Scholarship Fund-Sp
Douglas and Brenda Beebe Duncan Scholarship in the School of Communication
Douglas Hill Memorial Scholarship-En
Dr Norman Ned E Dewire 58 and Shirley W Dewire 57 Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Dr. Carl J. Wolf Scholarship-En
Dr. Catherine L. Brown Scholarship-En
Dr. Charles F. Rauch Scholarship
Dr. Clifford C. Houk Industrial Hygiene Scholarship-En
Dr. David Noble Memorial Fund
Dr. Deanna & Robert Joe Holdren Scholarship-En
Dr. E. R. and Marjory Bovenizer Ohio University Eastern Student Scholarship
Dr. Gary M. Graham Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Gene T. and Stanley E. Harris Endowed Scholarship for Educational Excel
Dr. Gene T. and Stanley E. Harris Endowed Scholarship for Educational Excel
Dr. Glenn A. Doston Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Glenn A. Doston Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Dr. Gregory & Courtney Pearson Scholarship-En
Dr. Harold F. Klock Endowed Scholarship-En
Dr. Ismail A. Ghazalah Economics Scholarship-Sp
Dr. Ismail Ghazalah Scholarship-Sp
Dr. Jane Johnsen Tutoring and Student Resource Center
Dr. Jean Kerney Scholarship
Dr. Jean Lawrence Bryant Scholarship
Dr. Jerry M. Mann and Mrs. Sue Johnson Mann Endowment-En
Dr. John A. Dumot and Dr. Kimberly J. Hollandsworth Scholarship Fund-En
Dr. John McCutcheon Endowed Scholarship
Dr. John W. Knable Scholarship Fund-En
Dr. Joyce R. Durham Essay Contest in Literature-En
Dr. Lacey S. Curtis Scholarship Fund-En
Dr. Lucian (Lou) Spataro Sr. Memorial Fund for the Department of Management
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Marylin Day Study Abroad Award-En
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Marylin Day Study Abroad Award-Sp
Dr. Moid U. Ahmad Hydrologic and Environmental Studies Endowment
Dr. Nicole Pennington Scholarship
Dr. Pete and Bernie Wagner Scholarship
Dr. Po Hickenbottom Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Raymond O. Lane Fund in Support of Graduate Study at the Edwards Accele
Dr. Rene and Suzanne Garza Endowed Scholarship-En
Dr. Richard C. and Betty Mitchell Nelson Scholars
Dr. Richard G. McMann Scholarship-En
Dr. Richard I. Miller Memorial Endowment
Dr. Robert B. and Pauline J. Morrison Nursing Scholarship
Dr. Robert F. Godfrey Scholarship-En
Dr. Roderick J. and Deborah A. McDavis Urban Scholarship
Dr. Roderick J. and Deborah A. McDavis Urban Scholarship-Sp
Dr. Romaine B. Bayless Urban/Appalachian Scholarship-En
Dr. Rosemary Rossiter Scholarship for Economics-En
Dr. Ruth Matthewson Scholarship
Dr. V. Ann Paulins Faculty Professional Development Fund-Sp
Dr. Veena P. Kasbekar Achievement Award
Driver Family Scholarship
Drs. James & Valerie Perotti Schol.-En
Drs. Ram and Sushila Gawande Chair in Indian Religion and Philosophy-En
Drs. Sadek and Anne Samaan Scholarship Fund for International Understanding
Dru Evarts Award
Duane Schneider Director's Fund-En
Dublin Integrated Education Center Scholarship
DuBois Fund for Economics-En
Dutton Family Scholarship
Dutton Family Scholarship-Sp
Dwight Nelson Compton Memorial Scholarship-En
Dysart Woods Fund
E. Vance Springer Memorial Scholarship-En
E. W. Scripps School of Journalism First Amendment Fund
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism
Earl C. Seigfred Award-En
Eastern Campus Art Acquisition Fund
Eastern Campus Library
Eberle Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ebony Bobcat Network Urban Scholarship-En
Ebony Bobcat Network Urban Scholarship-Sp
Ebony Bobcat Network, Dr. Michele Curtis Penick, 1966 Endowed Scholarship
Eckes Prize in History
Ecuador Anti-Chagas Campaign
Edgar Whan Scholarship in English
Edgar Whan Scholarship in English-Sp
Edith A. Wray Scholarship-En
Edmund A. Williams Technology Oriented Leadership Award-En
Education Abroad
Educational Studies
Edward & Claudette Stevens Library Endowment-En
Edward A. Sprague Scholarship
Edward and Charlotte Chow Scholarship-En
Edward J. Martin Memorial Scholarship
Edward R. Sanford Astronomy Fund-En
Edward Stevens Jr. Scholar
Edwin W. Darby Memorial Award
Effie & Kent Chapman Endowment
Eileen E. Ackerman and Ralph E. Ackerman Scholarship
Eileen E. Ackerman and Ralph E. Ackerman Scholarship Education
Eileen E. Ackerman and Ralph E. Ackerman Scholarship Music Education
Eisman Family Pre-Medical Scholarship-En
Elaine & Victor Goodman Scholarship for Research-En
Eldon and Julia Pittenger Scholarship-En
Eldon L. Hall, Jr., and Susan Hall Scholarship Fund in Economics-En
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering's Computer Sci. Prog.
Elinda Ann Wing Appalachian Global Leadership Center (GLC) Fund
Elizabeth G. Andersch Award-En
Elizabeth James Ebersbach Stephenson Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Elizabeth Llewellyn Robe Memorial Scholarship-En
Elkem Scholarship
Elliott Schnackenberg Scholarship for Visual Communications
Elliott Schnackenberg Scholarship in Professional Photography-En
Elmore Banton Cross Country/Track & Field Endowment Fund-Sp
Elsbree Fund for Undergraduate Support in Political Science-En
Emerging Leaders Program Support Fund
Emeriti Association Fund-En
Emeriti Park Endowment-En
Emerson "Vic" Sherow Memorial-En
Endowment Fund for Monomoy
Endowment to Support the Sales Centre Forever-En
Engineering Ambassadors-Sp
Engineering Scholarship Fund
Engineering Student Activity Fund-En
Engineering Student Activity Fund-Sp
Engineering Technology and Management
Engineering Technology and Management Laboratory Improvements
Englefield Engineering Scholars Fund
English Department General Support Fund
Entrepreneurship Honors Enhancement Fund
Environmental & Plant Biology
Environmental Health
Environmental Health/Administrative
Equestrian Club
Equine Studies Program
Eric A. Wagner Professorship in Sociology-En
Eric B. Morris Scholarship
Erin K. Banks Scholarship for Electrical Engineering-En
Ernest & Osie Collins/Political Science
Ernest and Mary Minichello Scholarship
Ernst & Young Scholarship
Estis Family Sports Administration Scholarship-En
Ethel H. Moll Scholarship
Evangeline Merritt Music-En
Evans Family Scholarship-En
Evelyn L. Houk Trombone Scholarship-En
Evie Kittle Award
Excellence in Undergraduate Education Communication Studies-En
Executive Advisory Board
Executive MBA Program-Sp
Exercise Physiology-Sp
External Student Program (ESP) Student Aid
EY Excellence Fund
F. Anthony DeJovine Memorial Scholarship
F. Patrick and Mary Lou Collins Memorial Sigma Chi Scholarship Fund
Fairfield National Bank Scholarship
Faiz Family Industrial and Systems Engineering Scholarship Endowment
Fashion Associates Internship Scholarship-Sp
Fergus O'Daly Undergraduate Scholarship in Strategic Communication
Ferguson Family Scholarship-En
Ferguson Family Scholarship-Sp
Filer Family Scholarship-En
Filer Family Scholarship-Sp
Finance Advisory Council Scholarship Fund
Finance Computer Resource Support Fund
Fine Arts Designer in Residence Endowment Fund-En
Fine Arts Designer in Residence Endowment Fund-Sp
Fine Arts Library
Firelands CORE Site
Fisher-Phelps Faculty Excellence Endowment-En
Flaherty Minority Scholarship Fund
Florence Sharp Endowment Scholarship-En
Flournoy International Outreach
Folley Family Foundation Appalachian Scholarship
Food & Nutrition Restricted
Food and Nutrition Sciences Support Fund
Football Enhancement Fund
Forensic Chemistry
Fox Family Student Equity Management Group Fund
Frances G. & Margaret A. Channell Schol.-En
Francis B. Fuller Aviation Scholarship
Francis M. (Bud) Paulson Memorial Art Award Scholarship
Frank A. and Beverly J. Zammataro Leadership Scholarship
Frank Hartsell & Family Schlr/Logan High School-En
Frank McCown Veteran's Memorial Scholarship
Frankfurt Scholarship Fund
Franklin B. Stevens Scholarship II
Franklin B. Stevens Scholarship II-Sp
Fred Palmer Scholarship in Journalism
Fred Picard Scholarship Fund-En
Frederick H. Boston History Fund-En
Frederick Rudolph Lemke Memorial Scholarship-En
Frederick Rudolph Lemke Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Frederick W. "Ted" Rente, III, D.O. Memorial Osteopathic Medical Scholarshi
Fredrick "Fritz" Hagerman Scholarship Fund-En
Friends of Galbreath Chapel
Friends of India Endowment-En
Friends of the Innovation Center
Friends of the Kennedy Museum-Sp
Friends of the Library of Ohio University
Friends of the Library Scholarship Fund-En
Friends of the Sugar Bush Foundation
Fritz and Dolores Russ Legacy
Fructus Cycle Scholarship
Fruth Pharmacy Scholarship-En
Fund for OHIO (Area of Greatest Need)
Fund for the Center for Ring Theory/Applications
Fund to Enhance Graduate Research and Creative Activity
Fund to Enhance Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity
Gaige B. Paulsen Endowed Scholarship Fund-En
Gaige B. Paulsen Endowed Scholarship Fund-Sp
Gail Berenson Piano Scholarship
Gail Berenson Piano Scholarship-Sp
Gainor Family Scholarship for the College of Health Sciences and Profession
Gainor Family Scholarship for the Scripps College of Communication-EN
Gary J. and Cindy A. Robinson Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Gary Justice Memorial Scholarship-En
Gary M. and Kathleen S. Schumacher Undergraduate Psychology Scholarship-En
Gary M. and Kathleen S. Schumacher Undergraduate Psychology Scholarship-Sp
Gary Million, MED '80 Memorial Scholarship-EN
Gene Chapin Memorial Award-En
Geological Sciences-Sp
George and Sally Wenner Russ Vision Scholarship Fund
George and Sally Wenner Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
George E. Hill Memorial Fund-En
George G. Abraham General Geology Fund
George H. Lobdell Jr. Graduate Research Fund-En
George J. Kontogiannis Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship
George Kontogiannis Collegiate Recovery Community Scholarship Fund
George Kontogiannis HCOM Dublin Scholarship 3
George V. Voinovich Exhibit
George Washington Forum Fund
George X. Simonetta Scholarship
Georgenna Riley, D.O. '95 Osteopathic Medical Scholarship-En
Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education General Scholarship Endo
Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education General Scholarship Fund
Glenn E. & Bonnilyn Corlett MBA/MSA Endowed Schl.
Global Consulting Program Scholarship Fund
Global Leadership Center Travel Support Fund
Global Leadership Center-Sp
Gloria McElhaney Appalachian Scholar Success Fund-En
Gloria McElhaney Appalachian Scholar Success Fund-Sp
Goll-Ohio Eminent Scholar Discretionary-Sp
Gordon F. & Nadine M. Brunner Scholarship
Grace G. & Mildred Roberts Educational Grant
Graduate College General Support Fund
Graphic Design
Great Western School Program for Gifted Children
Great Western Schoolhouse Reno./Maint. Fd.
Greater Milwaukee Foundation William A. and Mary Bonfield, Jr. Scholarship
Greek LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) Endowment-En
Greek Life
Green & White Scholarships
Gustavson Scholarship-Europe/Russia History
Guy & Arlie Roth Memorial Scholarship
Guy & J. Marilyn Remonko Percussion Scholarship-En
GWF-Menard Family Fund-Sp
H B Doc Riley Chapter 51 Disabled American Veterans Scholarship-Sp
Haines Scholarship-En
Hanly Mann Scholarship for Women in Engineering-En
Harkins-Sauer Endowed Scholarship
Harkins-Sauer Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Harold and Jeannette White Scholarship in Forensics
Harold F. White Scholarship in Business
Harold F. White Scholarship in Business-Sp
Harry and Ruth Rankin Scholarship-Sp
Harry G. and Bridget S. Hampson Scholarship-SP
Haskell Student Production Fund-En
HCOM Cleveland Extension Campus Fund
Health Services Administration
Healthy Homes for Healthy Living
Healthy Living Project
Hearing, Speech and Language Clinic Enhancement Fund-En
Hearing, Speech and Language Clinic Enhancement Fund-Sp
Heimbach Family Scholarship-En
Heimbach Family Scholarship-Sp
Helen Hoover Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Helen Ruiz/Tim Lewis Dance Scholarship
Hellebrandt Endowment in Management-En
Helms Scholarship/Elementary Education
Henderson Family Education Abroad Fund
Henry & Julia Lin Scholarship Fund
Herb Moss Business of Baseball Scholarship
Herbert & Mark Ian Myers Aviation Scholarship
Herbert E. Eglie Patient Advocacy Fund-En
Herbert G. Davis Memorial Scholarship-En
Herbert L. Baer Memorial Fund-En
Heritage Dublin Campus Primary Care Endowed Scholarship
Heritage Primary Care Incentive Endowed Scholarship
High Noon Entertainment Scholarship Fund
High Noon Internship Scholarship
High School Media Workshop - School of Media Arts & Studies
Hilda Richards Fund-En
Hillel Discretionary Fund
Hiram Roy Wilson and Florence Wilson Scholarship (Biological Sciences)
Hirtle Callaghan Student Investment Program Summer Internship Support Fund
History Department Research and Publishing Fund-Sp
Hobson College of Business Endowed Scholarship
Hobson College of Business Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Hocking Valley Bank Study Abroad Scholarship-Sp
Hoffman Family Scholarship for Excellence
Hoffman Family Scholarship for Excellence-Sp
Hollis Summers Award in English-En
Hollis Summers Poetry Prize
Holtz/Starkey Endowed Scholarship for Arts and Sciences-En
Holtz/Starkey Endowed Scholarship for Arts and Sciences-Sp
Home Savings Scholarship
Homer B. Gall, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Honorary/Memorial Named Installation Account
Honors Tutorial College General Scholarship Endowment-En
Honors Tutorial College General Scholarship Fund-Sp
Honors Tutorial College Scholarship
Honors Tutorial College Scholarship-Sp
Honors Tutorial College Study Abroad Endowment-En
Houk Marching 110 Award
Howard H. and Mary E. Schupp Scholarship-En
Hoy J and Shirley K. Seckinger Scholarship-En
HTC Research Apprenticeship Fund
HTC Theater Program
Hugh Bloemer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hugh H. Davis Classics Endowment-En
Hugh M. Culbertson Fund-Sp
Hughes Phi Mu Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Human and Consumer Sciences-Sp
ICA Academic Center Construction and Renovation Fund
Ice Hockey Club
Iden Chemical Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund-Sp
Idus Murphree Prize in Philosophy-En
Illumination Fund for Copperhead Baseball
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Industrial Hygiene
Information and Telecommunications Systems (ITS) Day Symposium
Innovation Awards Gala
Innovation Engine Accelerator
Interior Architecture Fund
International Center for Hungarian/American Cooperation
International Entrepreneurship Program
International Student and Faculty Services
International Student Emergency Relief Fund
International Studies Discretionary-Sp
Interprofessional Educational Fund
Intramural Athletics
Intramural Sports Student Development Fund
Ira Zook Memorial Scholarship in Voice-Sp
Irene Bandy Award
Irene Bandy Teacher's Award Endowment-En
Ironton Child Welfare Club Scholarship-En
Ironton College Access Program Discretionary Account
Ironton Scholarship
Isaac Scholars
Isaac Sindiga Memorial Fund for Geography-En
Italian Language
ITS School Innovation Fund
J. David & Audrey Stewart Scholarship
J. Norman Parmer Library Endowment-En
J. Philip and Kathleen Emily Tice Award in Critical Writing-En
J. Roger Saydah Memorial Fund for Philosophy Faculty Support
J. Stephen and Carla Phillips Scholarship
J. W. McClure School of Information and Telecommunication Systems
J. Warren McClure School Advisory Board/Thomas Lonsbury Scholarship-En
J.G. Mason Sports Administration Scholarship
J.L. Smith Respite Fund
Jack & Marsha Myslenski Ind. Tech. End. Prog. Fund-En
Jack and June Rice Family Scholarship-En
Jack D. Hutchison, DO, Scholarship Fund-En
Jack G. and Sue Mathis Ellis-Manasseh Cutler Scholars Award-En
Jack Rapaport Award
Jacoby and Stocklen Families Memorial Fund-Sp
James A. Watson Education Scholarship
James and Harriet Tong Scholarship in Forensic Chemistry-En
James and Miriam Coady Fund for Linguistics-En
James Ball Scholarship-En
James C. Bryant Scholarship for Int'l Studies-En
James E. Daley Cutler Scholars Supplemental Account for Spending
James E. Daley Cutler Scholarship Fund-En
James E. Frey Scholarship for the College of Business
James E. Frey Scholarship for the College of Business-Sp
James F. Fales Scholarship-Sp
James Franklin Henderson Jr Scholarship and Award-En
James H. Butt Memorial Scholarship
James K. McAleer, M.D. International Experiences Scholarship Fund-SP
James R. Christoph Scholarship Fund-En
James R. Christoph Scholarship Fund-Sp
James S. and Sarah A. Cox Award-En
James T. Shipman Physics Scholarship-En
James Vance Memorial Scholarship-En
James W. Newton, PhD., Scholarship Fund
Jan Hodson and Kathy White Honor Tutorial College Endowment
Jane Nocito Family/Pierre Foods Scholarship-En
Jane W. Huang Memorial Scholarship-En
Jane Watson Cunningham Endowed Scholarship-En
Jane Zartman Woodrow Scholarship-Sp
Janet Courtright Graham and William D. Graham, Ph.D., Wellness Research Sup
Janice Brown Steele Scholarship
Janice Marilyn Remonko Scholarship for Athens Community Music School-En
Jayne Stone Brown Scholarship
Jean Finsterwald Sprague Scholarship
Jean Hales Scholarship-En
Jean Hales Scholarship-Sp
Jeanne deLeur Beck Scholarship in Nursing-En
Jeff and Monica Watts Scholarship
Jeff and Monica Watts Scholarship-Sp
Jeff Chaddock Endowed Scholarship Fund-En
Jeffery R. Spalding Memorial Fund
Jeffrey A. Finkle Ohio University Economic Development Internship Program-E
Jeffrey Clark Political Science Fund-En
Jeffrey M. Loewy Scholarship-En
Jeffrey T & Rose L Heintz Scholarship/Eco/Edu-En
Jennifer Young Stevens Scholarship for the College of Business-En
Jennifer Young Stevens Scholarship for the College of Business-Sp
Jeph and Zoe Martin Scholarship in Economics-En
Jeremy Anderson Public Service Internship Fund-En
Jerry A. Zinni, DO Memorial Scholarship
Jerry and Karen Adams Scholarship-Sp
Jerry L. Sloan Professorship/Public Relations-En
Jesse & Ruth Zousmer-En
Jesse Day Summer Research Fellowship
Jessica Woodruff Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Woodruff Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Jim and Katie Kahler Sports Administration Scholarship
Jim Farmer Men's Rugby Fund
Jim Snyder Basketball Coaching Endowment
Jim Wycoff Fair-Unfair Advantage Sales Centre Outstanding Student Award
Jimmie L. and Barbara J. Williams Endowment-En
Jimmy Shaheen Scholarship for Ohio University Eastern-En
Joan Mace Scholarship-En
Jodie Price & R.T. Ramsay Scholarship-En
Joe Berman Professorship-En
Joel M. Needle Memorial Scholarship-Sp
John & Elizabeth Baker Endowed Peace-En
John & Kristine Rothwell Honors Scholarship
John & Kristine Rothwell Honors Scholarship-Sp
John & Marcelyn Shannon Scholarship-En
John A. Brose, D.O. Primary Care Scholarship-En
John and Alexandra Preston Scholarship in History
John and Susan Schmidt Scholarship Fund-En
John B. Holden Scholarship in Forensics
John Cassese Director of Forensics
John D. and Jeannine Davis Scholarship
John D. and Jeannine Davis Scholarship-Sp
John E. Edwards Ohio University Fellowship Endowment
John F. and Marilyn K. Fultz Scholarship for the Arts
John F. and Rita L. Wilson Professorship in Mathematics-En
John F. and Rita L. Wilson Scholarship in Mathematics Education-En
John F. and Rita L. Wilson Scholarship in Mathematics-En
John F. Doyle Endowed Scholarship
John F. Doyle Endowed Scholarship-Sp
John F. Smith Memorial Scholarships
John F., and Eleanor M., and James A. Kriss Russ Vision General Scholarship
John G. and Ruth L. Nye Scholarship
John J. & Anne M. Smith Endowed Scholarship-En
John J. Duffy Memorial Scholarship-En
John J. Klee Family Global Consulting Program Scholarship Fund-En
John J. Kopchick, PH.D Translational Research Endowments
John Koonts Counselor Scholarship
John McComb Scholarship Fund-En
John Peterson Memorial Award
John R. Burg MD Endowed Scholarship
John R. Daugherty Scholarship-En
John R. Johnson Endowed Scholarship-En
John R. Wilhelm Foreign Correspondence-En
John Riggles Memorial Fund
John S. and Janette L. Rowe Scholarship in Education
John S. and Janette L. Rowe Scholarship in Education-Sp
John S. and Martha Brenner Engineering Scholarship
John S. and Martha Brenner Engineering Scholarship-Sp
John S. Molea D.O. Scholarship Fund-En
John Schwenzer Memorial Scholarship
John W. Bender Memorial Research Grant
John W. Foley, Jr. Endowment-En
John W. Wiater Scholarship in Journalism-En
Johnny Ashby Ugbah Memorial Scholarship-En
Johnny Ashby Ugbah Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Jon and Connie Snyder Center for Entrepreneurship Support Fund
Jonathan Davis Memorial Book Scholarship
Joseph Carter Corbin Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Carter Corbin Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Joseph E. and Billie Jo Essman Scholarship
Joseph G. and Phyllis M. Kohler Scholarship-En
Joseph M. Lichtenberg Memorial Scholarship
Joseph W. Morgan & Helen B. Morgan Endowment-En
Joy Boyd Memorial Scholarship-En
Joyce N. Herrold, M.D. School of Music Experiential Learning Fund-Sp
Joyce R. Durham Scholarship-En
Juan Chesson Memorial Scholarship-En
Jud and Frank Lawler Memorial Scholarship Fund-En
Judge Gerald E. & Edythe Radcliffe Scholarship-En
Judi and Gregory Hill, D.O., Scholarship Endowment-En
Judith A. MacKnight Future of Journalism Scholarship-EN
Judith M. Johnson Recognition Award
Judy C. Pearson Graduate Award-En
Judy Chambers Beck Scholarship
Julie Mann Scholarship For Young Business Leaders-En
Julie Mann Scholarship For Young Business Leaders-Sp
Justin McCaulley Fund for Political Science Student Advising
Kahandas Nandola Prof. of Bus. Adm.-En
Kala Singh Professional Dev. Fund-En
Karen and Roger Deardorff Graduate Award
Karen Ardner Scholarship for Mathematics Education-Sp
Karen D (Jenkins) King Memorial Scholarship
Karen Kolbe Bailey Women's Leadership Award
Karen Kolbe Bailey Women's Leadership Award-Sp
Karen L. Truog Swinehart and R. Dane Swinehart Scholarship
Karen L. Truog Swinehart and R. Dane Swinehart Scholarship-Sp
Karen S. Nulf Scholarship-En
Kari Rosenberg Scholarship
Karin Lerch Toomey Scholarship Endowment-En
Kathryn Hess and James VanGundy Endowed Scholarship
Kauffman, McManus, Parker & Souers
Kaushalya Vati Graduate Support Fund
Kay J. Briner, BSED '64, and Paul A. Briner Scholarship-En
Kay J. Briner, BSED '64, and Paul A. Briner Scholarship-Sp
Keith M. Russ Chemical Engineering Award-En
Kemelgor College of Business Endowed Scholarship
Kemelgor College of Business Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Kennedy Museum of Art Education Department Support Fund
Kennedy Museum of Art-Sp
Kennedy Museum of Art-W.R. and Ann Lee Konneker Fund
Kenneth A. Holroyd Student Relocation Stipend
Kenneth B. Clifford Memorial Scholarship
Kenneth McClintock Memorial Scholarship-En
Kenneth Ray Rusche Scholarship
Kevin and Melanie Mohr Honors Tutorial College Scholarship
Kevin and Melanie Mohr Honors Tutorial College Scholarship-Sp
Kevin Lee Wertheimer Memorial Scholarship
Kevin M. Garrett Nursing Scholarship
Kibble Foundation Scholarship
Kids On Campus
Kincade-Begg Scholarship
Kincade-Begg Scholarship-Sp
Kohan Family Fund-En
Konneker Alumni Center Endowment-En
Konneker Fund for Learning and Discovery
Krull Veterans' Scholarship
Ky Crist Scholarship Fund
Kyra Kurt Willner Global Travel Scholarship-En
L.C. Mitchell Memorial Scholarship
LaCrosse Club
Lamar D & Harriette M Springer Scholarship
Lambda Chi Alpha at OU Schol. Fd.-En
Lancaster Athletics
Lancaster Campus Master Plan
Lancaster Cultural Arts
Lancaster Friends of the Library
Lancaster Library
Language Resource Center Coady Award
Laralyn Sasaki Dearing Foreign Correspondence Support Fund
Larry "Scoop" Press B.S. Journalism, 1949 Scholarship-En
Larry and JoAnn Katz Family Scholarship
Larry Gage Scholarship-En
Larry H. Small Audiology Scholarship-En
Larry Sasaki and Bonnie Townsend Sasaki Family Scholarship-En
Larry Sasaki and Bonnie Townsend Sasaki Family Scholarship-Sp
Lasher/Evarts Quality of Writing Award-En
Latin American Studies Program
Laura Chapman/Lora Clapp Advising Award-En
Laurel Lea Schaefer Theater Scholarship-En
Lauretta Klock Memorial Scholarship-En
Lavery Sports Administration Facility Mgmt.
Lawrence E. and Sheila Rowan McHale '68 Atrium
Lawrence G. & Sarah M. Colbert Mem. Schol.-En
Lawrence P. Eblin Memorial
Lawrence R. Tavcar Memorial Scholarship-En
Learning Communities Fund
Learning Resource Center
Lee Cibrowski Faculty Advising and Mentoring Award
Lee Cibrowski Scholarship in the Patton College of Education and Human Serv
Lee S. & Irene E. Roach Graduate Endowment
Lela A. Ewers Science Scholarship
Lena M. & Richard J. Sellers Mem. Schol.-En
Leona Hughes LeaderShape Fund/WIP-En
Leonard Kohn, M.D. Research Laboratory Fund
Liberati-DiRienzo Family Tiger-to-Bobcat Scholarship-En
Liberati-DiRienzo Fellow Alumni Scholarship
Liberty Antalis Memorial
Library Enrichment
Library Preservation Endowment
Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd N. Barnes Memorial Scholarship
LIfe Long Learning for Sales and Sales Management Professionals
Lillian Ramos
Lillias Young Swardson Scholarship-En
Links Program-University College-Sp
Lisa Donovan Memorial Child Development Center Playground Fund
Little Lambs Scholarship in memory of Rachel Ann Marie Delaney
Lizabeth K. and Charles R. Emrick, Jr. Manasseh Cutler Scholarship-En
Logan Alumni Band/Al Horsky Scholarship-En
Lois and Denver Sturgill Scholarship
Long Family Communication Scholarship-En
Lorna Jean Edmonds and J. Michael Geringer Fund for Aging Gracefully
Love Family Scholarship
Lowell B. and Jeanetta T. Howard Memorial Scholarship-En
Lowell L. Rausch College of Business Scholarship-En
Lowell L. Rausch College of Business Scholarship-Sp
Lowell L. Rausch Scholarship-En
Lowell L. Rausch Union County High School Scholarship-En
Lt. Col. Ernest D. Minichello, B.A. 1968 Veterans Scholarship-En
Luther and Jeanne Haseley Scholarship
Luther and Jeanne Haseley Scholarship-Sp
M. Burgin, W. Klaus & R. Klaus Radio Award
M. Duane and C. Ruth Nellis International Travel Award
M.A. Serna-Maytorena Memorial Scholarship
M.L. Collins(Pash)Chi Omega Fraternity Mem. Schlr.-En
M.T. Vermillion Scholarship-Sp
Madam Christina Amankwah Scholarship-Sp
Madden Family Music Scholarship
Manasseh Cutler Scholarship Program-Sp
Manter Family Accounting Scholarship-En
Marc and Lila Rosenweig Scholarship-En
Marching 110 Major Travel
Marching 110 Society of Alumni and Friends
Marching Band Uniforms/Accessories Account
Marcia R. Herman String Endowment-En
Marcus J. Molea Endowment to Promote Postive Aging-EN
Margaret A. McKechnie Scholarship-En
Margaret Ann Jones Scholarship
Margaret Boyd Scholars Program Support Fund
Margaret Boyd Scholars Support Fund Endowment-En
Margaret E. Goodwin Scholarship
Margaret E. Goodwin Scholarship-Sp
Margaret F. Cohn Scholarship
Margaret J. Peggy Salmon Mem. Schol.-En
Margaret K. Davis Scholarship
Margaret Schuette Dance Scholarship-En
Marian Ickes Wolf Scholarship-En
Marian R. and David N. Keller Undergraduate Student Support Fund
Marilyn Lantz Allen Memorial Scholarship
Marilyn Lantz Allen Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Marjorie Ann and Paul Scott Malcom Endowed Scholarship
Marjorie Ann and Paul Scott Malcom Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Marjorie T. Hagerman Dietetics/Nutrition Scholarship
Mark and Joseph Nocito Endowed Accounting Scholarship
Mark and Patricia McClintick Scholarship-En
Mark Feldstein, BBA '82 Scholarship-En
Mark Feldstein, BBA '82 Scholarship-Sp
Mark H. Grimes Memorial
Marlene & James Bruning Opera Scholarship-En
Martha Harris Wurtz Memorial Scholarship-En
Martha J. Parish Undergraduate Music Scholarship-En
Martha J. Parish Undergraduate Music Scholarship-Sp
Martha Jane Hunley Blackburn and Donald A. Spencer Fund-En
Marty Wall Career Advising Fund for Political Science Majors-Sp
Mary Agnes Cooper and Daryl Lott Underrepresented Minority Male Scholarship
Mary Ann Healy Memorial Scholarship
Mary C. Doxsee Historical Textiles and Costumes Collection Fund
Mary C. Doxsee Scholarship-En
Mary Carter Keifer Memorial Award-En
Mary Ellin Weinberg Education Scholarship-En
Mary G. Colfer Memorial Scholarship-En
Mary Hughes Berry Scholarship
Mary L. Durnion French Scholarship Fund
Mary Margaret Mundy Memorial-En
Mary Spetnagel Scholarship Fund-En
Mary W. Stoertz Scholarship
Marylou Cameron Scholarship in Interior Architecture-En
Massillon Regional Site Donate Funds
Master of Financial Economics Support Fund
Mathematics Education Professional Development Award
Maurice and Betty Warner Scholarship
Maxine Marquand Erskine Nursing Scholarship-En
Maxine Stewart Foreign Correspondence Internship for Coverage of Culture an
MBA Program
McCracken Hall Renovation Fund
McCune Family Endowed Scholarship for Diversity in Sports Business
McFarland Electrical Engineering Scholarship-En
Mechanical Engineering
Media Sales Institute Support Fund
Mel Helitzer Memorial Fund-Sp
Melba E. Gschneidner-Pickenpaugh Scholarship-Sp
Melissa Dae Kennedy Memorial Scholarship-En
Melissa Dae Kennedy Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Men's Baseball
Men's Basketball
Men's Cross Country
Men's Golf
Men's Soccer Club
Meta L. Christy, D.O., Scholarship
Michael A. and Nancy A. Dickerson Scholarship
Michael and Kathryn Medley Engineering Scholarship-En
Michael F. Rodarte, BBA '04 Finance Enhancement Fund-En
Michael H. Grasley Endowed Scholarship
Michael P. Kress Fund for Leadership Support-En
Michelle Lee Little Memorial Scholarship-En
Michelle Lee Little Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Michelle M. Schlegel Memorial Scholarship
Michelle M. Schlegel Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Midnight Ramblers Fund
Mike and Janet Miller Scholarship
Mike and Janet Miller Scholarship-Sp
Mike and Karen Jackson Endowed Scholarship-En
Mike Cady and Chris Johnson 'DO'er' Scholarship Award for Proven Ability to
Milton E. and Zella M. Ploghoft African Education Research Development Fund
Minority Scholarship-Sp
Mitchell W. Holland Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Modern Language Lab Discretionary
Modern Languages
Modern Languages German Study Abroad Scholarship-Sp
Modern Languages Study Abroad Scholarship
Moffitt Endowed Scholarship-En
Molecular & Cellular Biology Program
Monty Woods Memorial Scholarship-En
Moorehead Family Scholarship-En
Moorehead Family Scholarship-Sp
Morris and Jane Logan Scholarship in Business
Morris and Jane Logan Scholarship in Business-Sp
Mount Carmel CORE Foundation Account
Mountain Research Initiative Research Support Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Glennie Pavlin Geosciences Endowment
Mrs. J.E. Thackrey Memorial Award
Mulgrew Visual Communication Travel Endowment-En
Music Industry Support Fund-Sp
Music School Library
Muskingum County History Mike Kline Scholarship-En
Myrl H. Shoemaker Endowed Scholarship-En
Myron T. & Carolyn W. Sturgeon Endowment-En
Myron T. Sturgeon Geological Sciences Endowment
Myron T. Sturgeon Honor Fund-En
Myrtle E. and Lloyd Wood Scholarship-En
Najee E. Muhammad Memorial Award for Social Justice in Education
Nancy and Robert T. Roe Endowment for Graduate Studies in the Department o
Nancy C. Rauschenberg, BSCHE '83, Appalachian Scholarship
Nancy H. Rue Sheet Music Collection
Nancy Lee Sitterley Scholarship
Nancy M. Haag Scholarship in Sociology-En
Nanomedical Research for Down Syndrome
Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute Support Fund-Sp
Naomi J. Blodgett Scholarship Fund
Nation's Capital Chapter Endowment Fund-En
National Black Alumni Scholarship Fund
Neil Mahrer and Sonia Franceski WOUB Student Staff Support Fund
Nellie J. Molea Scholarship
New Ohio Review
NG Dr. Matthew "Matt" Stark Professorship of Public Education
Nicholas Dinos Professorship-En
Nicholas M. & Roseanne Alexander Mem. Sch.-En
Nina A. Montgomery Memorial-En
Noel Sayre Memorial Scholarship
Norman E. & Shirley W. Dewire End.Schlr.
Norman R. and Joyce A. La Fond Memorial Scholarship in Education-Sp
Norman R. and Joyce A. La Fond Memorial Scholarship in Engineering-Sp
Nursing Department Fund
O U Cleveland Campus Specialized Medical Education Space and Equipment Supp
O U Forensics Individual Events Award-En
O.U. Chillicothe Scholarship-Sp
O.U. Ice Hockey Endowment-En
O.U. Libraries General Endowment
O.U. License Plate Scholarship Endowment
O.U. Theater Production Account
O.U. Women's Club of Cleveland Freshman
O'Bleness Memorial Hospital Diabetes Fellowship
Octa J. Kincade Latin Scholarship-En
Office for Multicultural Student Access and Retention (OMSAR) Support Fund
Office of Information Technology Fund
Office of Information Technology Scholarship Fund
Office of Nationally Competitive Awards
Office of Nationally Competitive Awards Endowment-En
Officer Larry Cox Memorial Scholarship-En
Ohio Athletic Trainers' Hall of Fame
OHIO Chillicothe Dean's Circle Fund
Ohio Dance Team Fund-Sp
OHIO Eastern Dean's Circle Fund
OHIO Esports Program General Support Fund-Sp
Ohio Fellows Program
Ohio Fellows Program Student Travel Fund
Ohio Fellows Scholarship
OHIO Hockey Decade of Excellence Fund
Ohio Horse Park Therapeutic Riding Fund
Ohio Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association (Ohio HBPA) Scholarsh
OHIO Lancaster Dean's Circle Fund-Sp
Ohio Lions Foundation-Helen Keller Schol.
OHIO Parents and Family Endowment-En
Ohio Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment (ORITE) Conf
OHIO Southern Dean's Circle Fund
Ohio State Society ACOFP/Katherine H. Clark Fellowship Account
Ohio Today Magazine
Ohio University - Chillicothe Scholarship Fund-En
Ohio University 3rd Century Speech and Debate Scholarship
Ohio University Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship-En
Ohio University Athletic Training Renovation
Ohio University Baughman Family Scholarship-En
Ohio University Career Closet Support Fund
Ohio University Center for Law, Justice and Culture's Summer Law and Trial
Ohio University Child Development Center General Support Fund-Sp
Ohio University Chillicothe Academic Success Center
Ohio University College of Business Junior Executive Business Program
Ohio University College of Business KeyBank Scholars Program
Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine Society of Alumni and Frien
Ohio University Eastern Cultural Programs
Ohio University Eastern Nursing Scholarship-En
Ohio University Emergency Scholarship Fund
Ohio University Endowed Scholarship Fund
Ohio University Endowed Scholarship Fund-Sp
Ohio University Experiential Learning Fund-Sp
Ohio University General Scholarship Fund
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Central Ohio Exten
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine General Scholarshi
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine General Scholarshi
Ohio University Ice Hockey Club Student Aid
Ohio University Lancaster - Covered Bridge Music Series-Sp
Ohio University Lancaster Biology Department Support Fund
Ohio University Lancaster Theatre
Ohio University Lancaster Theatre Program Support Fund
Ohio University Men's Volleyball
Ohio University Press Endowment
Ohio University Press First Book Fund-Sp
Ohio University Press Professional Development Fund
Ohio University Rugby-Sp
Ohio University Sailing Club-Sp
Ohio University Southern Campus Scholarship-En
Ohio University Southern Campus Student Emergency Fund
Ohio University Southern Workforce Success Support Fund-Sp
Ohio University Student Emergency Endowment-En
Ohio University Student Emergency Fund-Sp
Ohio University Sustainability Fund
Ohio University Zanesville Veterans Support Fund
Ohio University-Eastern Art Gallery
Ohio Valley Foreign Language Alliance
OHIO Women in Business Support Fund
OHIO Zanesville Dean's Circle Fund-Sp
OhioHealth Physician Diversity Scholars Program Support Fund
Olive Emler Ross Scholarship in Geography-En
Opera Theater
Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Richard A. Vincent Primary Care Endowed Sch
Osteopathic Heritage Foundations Endowed Scholarship-En
Osteopathic Medicine Minority & Women-En
Osteopathic Principles & Practices Fellowship
Osteopathic Scholarship
OU Press Polish and Polish-American Studies Series
OU Southern-Proctorville Center
OU-C Giving Circle-Sp
OU+REACH Grant from Union County Foundation
OUE Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students-En
OUHCOM Society of Alumni & Friends Endowed Scholarship-En
OUHCOM Society of Alumni & Friends Endowed Scholarship-P-Sp
OUL Challenge Scholarship-En
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital Scholarship-En
OUS - Resource Commons
OUS Art Coolaborative Scholarship
OUS Nature Center
OVST Endowment Fund-En
Paige Ryan Bibbee Memorial Scholarship in Arts & Sciences-Sp
Paige Ryan Bibbee Memorial Scholarship in Arts & Sciences
Paige Ryan Bibbee Memorial Scholarship in Communication
Paige Ryan Bibbee Memorial Scholarship in Communication-Sp
Palmer-Donavin Scholarship honoring Ron Calhoun, BBA '72-En
Pamela K. Leonard and Michael E. Leonard Living Trust Scholarship Fund-En
Parents & Family Association Fund
Park National Bank Fund
Parker-Hannifin Motion and Control Lab in Honor of Jack Myslenski
Pasquale F. and Jacque L. Gentile Endowed Scholarship
Pasquale F. and Jacque L. Gentile Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Passion for Action Scholarship-En
Passion for Action Scholarship-Sp
Pat and Bob Kahn Scholarship for Arts and Sciences-En
Patricia A. Pae '90 and Monique Means McDonough '95 Scholarship for Women-E
Patricia A. Pae '90 and Monique Means McDonough '95 Scholarship for Women-S
Patricia A. Weitsman Memorial Scholarship-En
Patricia Bayer Richard Scholarship
Patricia Bayer Richard Scholarship-Sp
Patrick and Ellen Campbell Scholarship Fund
Patrick Family Scholarship
Patrick Family Scholarship-Sp
Patrick K. McAleer International Experiences Scholarship Fund-SP
Patrick M. Green Scholarship
Patrick Scholarship Fund
Patrick Scholarship Fund-Sp
Patrick Wesley Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Paul A. Gydosh Jr. Engineering Scholars Fund
Paul A. Gydosh Jr. Engineering Scholars Fund-Sp
Paul and Cheryl Roetzer Scholarship-En
Paul and Cheryl Roetzer Scholarship-Sp
Paul Copley College of Business Endowed Scholarship
Paul Copley College of Business Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Paul G. & Stella T. Crum Family Appreciation Scholarship
Paul Gordon Guy Miller Family Scholarship-Sp
Paul H. Boase Family Scholarship-En
Paul P. and Annabelle W. Mechling Scholarship Fund
Paul R. & Alice N. Murphy Scholarship
Paula Rockoff Handlin Scholarship-En
Peer-Led Community Engagement with Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
Peggy Viehweger Scholarship-Sp
Performing Arts at Eastern Campus
Performing Arts in Education Fund-En
Performing Arts Series - Athens
Peter Dowd Honors Tutorial College Scholarship
Peter Dowd Honors Tutorial College Scholarship-Sp
Phi Kappa Tau, Beta Chapter Scholarship-En
Phil Richardson Scholarship in Modern Languages
Phil Richardson Scholarship in Modern Languages-Sp
Philip F. Muck SOX 404 Fellows Scholarship Fund
Phillip Bebb Memorial Scholarship Fund
Philosophy Department
Philosophy Development Fund-En
Physical Therapy
Physician Diversity Scholars Program Support Fund
Physics & Astronomy
Physics and Astronomy Endowment-En
Ping-Cutler Scholars Award-En
Pletcher Science Scholarship-En
Pletcher Science Scholarship-Sp
Political Science
Prague Study Abroad Program in Economics
President's Circle Fund
Presser Foundation Scholarships
Price Waterhouse-En
Printing and Typography Collective
Printmaking Program
Pritchard-McDonough Family Memorial Fund
Prof. Arthur Blickle Botany Scholarship-En
Professional Master of Sports Administration
Professor William S. Romoser Memorial Endowment for Tropical Disease Resear
Professors Rajindar and Manjulika Koshal Lecture Series-En
Program to Aid Career Exploration (PACE)-En
Progressive Scholar in ITS
Project BEST Scholarship-Sp
Psychology Publication Costs
Psychology Research and Teaching Endowment-En
Public Radio
Public TV
PWC Inquires Program
Quarter After Eight Literary Journal Fund
Queen-Utsinger Academic Team Schol.
R. Randolph Apgar Scholarship for Ethics
R.O. Linke Schol. for E.W. Scripps Journalism
Radio Underwriting
Ralph Izard Post Endowed Scholarship-En
Ralph J. Bitzer Memorial Advancement Fund
Ralph/Luci Schey Sales Centre Endowment-En
Ram and Sushila Gawande India Endowment-En
Rauschenberg Family Chemical Engineering Support Fund-En
Rauschenberg Family Innovation Fund for Student Success
Rauschenberg Family Scholarship Fund
Rauschenberg Family Scholarship Fund II
Ray & Eva Thomas Scholarship
Ray Beatty/Ted Foster Endowment
Ray G. Stephens Endowed Scholarship
Ray Wilkes Gallery
Raymond and Anne K. Tatalovich Scholarship-En
Raymond and Anne K. Tatalovich Scholarship-Sp
Raymond Gusteson Library Endowment-En
Razak Chair in Southeast Asian Studies
Rea Accounting Excellence Award
Rebecca Johnston and Jeffrey Maling Scholarship in Economics-En
Rebecca Johnston and Jeffrey Maling Scholarship in Economics-Sp
Rebecca Sostarich Schultz Memorial Scholarship Fund-En
Recruitment and Enrollment Fund-Sp
Reed Family Scholarship for Excellence in Communications-EN
Reeves Engineering Ambassadorship-En
Reforesting Appalachian Stream Riparian Corridors Project Fund
Regina L. Bloemer Scholarship in Geography-En
Regional Higher Education Rest
Research Building Rapid Prototyping Lab Support Fund
Residence Life
Residence Life Graduate Assistant Professional Development Fund
Residence Life Programming Fund
Residential Assistants Support Fund
Restaurant Hotel and Tourism Support Fund-Sp
Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development General Support Fund
Reuben M. Olson Engineering Scholarship
Rev. Dr. Robert Crawford & Son Memorial-En
Richard & Eleanora Robe Leadership Institute-En
Richard & Naomi Mayer/Chemical Engineering
Richard and Arlene Wetzel Scholarship in Music-En
Richard and Dolores Kirby Study Abroad Fund-En
Richard and Dolores Kirby Study Abroad Fund-Sp
Richard and Joan Fox Scholarship
Richard and Joan Fox Scholarship-Sp
Richard and Karen Harvey History Undergraduate Research Fellowship-En
Richard Clapp Memorial Fund
Richard F. and Marlene Carlile Football Recruiting Endowment-En
Richard K. Brackin Scholarship-En
Richard L. Bitters Memorial-En
Richard L. Thornton Memorial Scholarship
Richard Syracuse Music Scholarship Endowment Fund-En
Richard Wells Antle Memorial-En
Risto Gusterov-Manasseh Cutler Scholars Award-En
Risto Gusterov-Manasseh Cutler Scholars Award-Sp
Rita Essman Dahlberg Scholarship-En
River Bend Heritage Arts/Sciences Scholarship Award-En
Robbin J. Kirkland Memorial Scholarship-En
Robert & Rene Glidden Endowed Music Scholarship-En
Robert & Rene Glidden Visiting Professorship End.-En
Robert A. Harris, D.O., '82 Memorial Scholarship-En
Robert and Eloise Beverage Scholarship-En
Robert D. and Vera L. Smith Scholarship
Robert D. Walter Center for Excellence in Strategic Leadership-Sp
Robert E. & Jean R. Mahn/Archives & Spec. Col.
Robert E. Hunt Marine & Freshwater Biology Fund
Robert E. Wilkes Scholarship
Robert Emmett Boyle and Debra Boger Russ Vision Scholarship Fund
Robert Emmett Boyle and Debra Boger Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
Robert F. and Nancy E. Roberts Scholarship-En
Robert F. Rakowski Award for Outstanding Research
Robert H. Gray and Susan M. Smith Scholarship
Robert H. Gray and Susan M. Smith Scholarship-Sp
Robert H. Josselson Fellowship for Electrical Engineering-Sp
Robert J. and Ruth F. Pelouch Scholarship for Mechanical Engineering
Robert K. Ingham Organic Chemistry Award-En
Robert L. Coe Memorial-En
Robert L. Foehl Organizational Ethics Fund
Robert L. Winters Theater Scholarship-En
Robert Moore Award
Robert Rudroff Memorial Honors Tutorial College Scholarship
Robert Rudroff Memorial Honors Tutorial College Scholarship-Sp
Robert Sharp Endowment Scholarship-En
Robert Smart Scholarship in Engineering-En
Robert T. Hughes Delta Tau Delta Leadership Award-En
Robert Wieman Scholarship Fund-En
Roberts Family STEMstart Student Support Fund-Sp
Robin Lacy Memorial Fund-En
Rock for Tots Inc., OU-C Scholarship Fund
Rock Lobster Account-ACRN
Rod and Jenny Bennett School of Accountancy Scholarship-En
Rodney D. Hanson Scholarship-En
Roenigk Chair in Chemistry-Sp
Roger Shelor Memorial Scholarship Fund-EN
Ronald and Charles Howard Abbott Scholarship Fund-En
Ronald and Debra Teplitzky Political Science Student Research and Travel Fu
Ronald D. and Joan Riddle Giles Scholarship
Ronald H. Ridgway Scholarship-En
Ronald L. Patrick Endowed Scholarship
Ronald Socciarelli Band Scholarship Endowment-En
Rosario and Caterina Chieffe Award-Sp
Roy F. Smith Scholarship
Rubinstein Family Scholarship-En
Rubinstein Family Scholarship-Sp
Ruby Tignor and Alan E. Riedel Manasseh Cutler Scholarship
Rudolph J. Cinco Scholarship
Rudolph J. Cinco Scholarship-Sp
Ruff Family Scholarship-En
Ruff Family Scholarship-Sp
Rush Elliott Biological Science Award
Rush Elliott Endowed Professorship-En
Rush Elliott Fund
Russ College Bobcat Baja Project Support Fund
Russ College Engineers Without Borders
Russ College of Engineering and Technology General Scholarship Endowment-En
Russ College of Engineering and Technology General Scholarship Fund-Sp
Russ Ross Award Fund in Civil Engineering
Russ Vision Meta Engineering Vision Schl-Sp
Russel W. and Ida L. Davis Eglie Memorial Scholarship-En
Russell N. Baird High School Editor's Award-En
Russell-Gruber Memorial Scholarship-Sp
Ruth and Otto Kruse Scholarship
Ruth Ann Picard Scholarship-En
Ruth Bradley Fund for Visiting Film Artists
Ruth E. Purdy, D.O. Endowed Scholarship
Ruth Ellen Story Scholarship
Ruth F. and Robert J. Pelouch Scholarship for Medical Technology
Ruth Fowler Brown Endowed Sch Gifts to Spending
Ryan Bommer Emerging Leader Endowment-En
Sally Comin Kaneshige Memorial Scholarship-En
Sally Elliott Grossenbacher Scholarship-Sp
Sam's Fans Music Therapy Scholarship-Sp
Samson Doctoral Nursing Research Grant-Sp
Sandra Asik Memorial Scholarship-En
Sandra J. Anderson Scholarship in Communication-Sp
Sandra Lynn Geiger Scholarship
Sandra Turner Outstanding Instructional Technology Student Scholarship
Sands/Martzolff Endow Archives/Special Collections-En
Sara Katherine Ullman Memorial Internship-En
Savannah Miller Memorial Scholarship
Scalia Lab
Schey Sales Centre Alumni Society Scholarship
Schey Sales Centre Experiential Learning Enhancement Fund-Sp
Schey Sales Centre General Support Fund
School of Accountancy Advisory Board Fund
School of Accountancy Enhancement Fund
School of Accountancy Faculty Award Fund-En
School of Art + Design General Support Fund
School of Communication Studies Fund for Excellence in Graduate Studies-Sp
School of Dance, Film and Theater Support Fund
School of Interdisciplinary Arts
School of Journalism Scholarship
School of Media Arts and Studies
School of Music 100th Anniversary Concert
School of Music Scholarship
School of Music/Alumni & Friends Scholarship
School of Nursing
School of Recreation and Sport Sciences-Sp
School of Theatre Facilities
School of Visual Communication Scholarship Fd
Schuneman Symposium on Photojournalism
Schuyler Eaton Cone Endowed Scholarship
Scott & Marjorie Malcom Mathematics Fund
Scott and Ann O'Donnell Scholarship-En
Scott Durcanin Sales Centre Endowed Scholarship Fund-En
Scott M. Voelz Honors Tutorial College Scholarship
Scott M. Voelz Honors Tutorial College Scholarship-Sp
Scott McPherson Writing Award-En
Scott Shepherd Memorial Scholarship
Scripps College Fund for Student Media
Scripps College of Communication Building & Development Fund
Scripps College of Communication Building Fund
Scripps College of Communication General Scholarship Endowment
Scripps College of Communication General Scholarship Fund-Sp
Scripps College of Communication General Support Fund
Scripps College of Communication Multicultural Enhancement Fund
Scripps College of Communication Student Development Fund
Scripps College Semester in DC Fund
Scripps Future of Journalism Scholarship-En
Scripps Future of Journalism Scholarship-Sp
Scripps Howard Foundation Susan J. Porter Scholarship
Scripps Howard Innovation Fund-En
Scripps Society of Alumni & Friends Internship Support Fund
Sean Michael Martin Memorial Scholarship-En
Select Leaders Program Support Fund
Senator Nancy Cunningham Cassis Scholarship
Senator Nancy Cunningham Cassis Scholarship-Sp
Service Learning Tsunami Recovery Project
Shaffer Family Scholarship-En
Shaffer Family Scholarship-Sp
Shannon Berry Scholarship Fund-En
Shannon Hall Renovation Project
Sharon L. Spencer Scholarship-Sp
Sharon Monahan and Ben E. Fountain Scholarship-En
Sharon Monahan and Ben E. Fountain Scholarship-Sp
Shelly Fund-En
Sherman & Frances Battles Johnson Fund
Sherman Rotary Club of Lancaster Scholarship for Ohio University Lancaster
Sherwood Hall Music Scholarship-En
Shirley Wimmer Award-En
Siegfried Maier and Alumni Undergraduate Research Fund-Sp
Silvana Stavreska Memorial Scholarship-En
Simonik Sibling Scholarship-En
Singing Men of Ohio
Singing Men or Ohio Society of Alumni and Friends Endowment
Skip Vosler Scholarship-En
SMART Lab Fund
Social Work General Support Fund
Sociology & Anthropology
Sociology & Anthropology Endowed Fund-En
Soroosh Scholarship Fund-En
Soroosh Scholarship Fund-Sp
Southeast Asia Library Collections
Southeast Asia Studies
Southern Ohio Copperheads Student Support Fund
Southern Ohio Medical Center Nursing Scholarship-En
Special Needs for Students with Disabilities
Sport Management Program
Sports Administration Diversity & Inclusion Support Fund
Sports Administration Program Enhancement
Sports Administration Research Enhancement Fund
Sports Administration/Facilty Management
Sports Medicine
Sretenovic Family Scholarship
Sretenovic Family Scholarship-Sp
SS&G Accounting Scholarship
St. Clairsville Rotary Scholarship
Stanley Blanchard Graduate Photography Scholarship-En
Stanley Grean Visiting Professorship in Philosophy
Starkey Scholarship of Merit
State Teachers Ret. System Inc. Schol.
STEAM Community Outreach Fund
Steinway Piano Fund
Stephanie Andrews Michalek Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Stephanie Andrews Michalek Memorial Nursing Scholarship-Sp
Stephen and Barbara Knopp Scholarship
Stephen and Barbara Knopp Scholarship-Sp
Stephen and Elinor Kline Endowed Scholarship Fund
Stephen P. Munro Ohio Scholarship-En
Stephen P. Munro Ohio Scholarship-Sp
Stephen, Judith, and CJ Gary Family Scholarship
Stephenson Music Education Scholarship
Steve and Elinor Kline Mechanical Engineering Russ Vision Scholarship-En
Steve and Elinor Kline Mechanical Engineering Russ Vision Scholarship-Sp
Steve BS '82 and Traci (McBride) BSC '82 Ellis Scholarship
Steve BS '82 and Traci (McBride) BSC '82 Ellis Scholarship-Sp
Steven M. Takacs, DO, Memorial Scholarship Endowment-En
Stream + Wetlands Foundation Research Support Fund
Striffler-Edwards Communication Scholarship
Striffler-Edwards Communication Scholarship-Sp
Stuart Ross Study-In-Italy Scholarship-En
Student Affairs Employment Award
Student Alumni Board Scholarship
Student Equity Management Group (SEMG) Professional Development Fund
Student Fixed Income Management Group (SFIMG) Professional Development Fund
Student Leadership Endowment-AJCLC-En
Student Nurses Association Scholarship
Student Research and Creative Activity Expo Support Fund
Student Senate Fund
Student Senate Leadership Fund
Students in Philanthropy Award
Study Abroad in France Scholarship
Study Abroad Program-Salzburg,Austria
Sudha Agrawal Memorial Endowment-En
Sue and Charles Glander Scholarship
Sugar Bush Foundation Supplemental Fund
Surender K. Jain Lecture Series
Survivor Advocacy Program General Support Fund
Survivor Emergency Fund-Sp
Susan Crowl Graduate Endowment
Susan Klock String Instrument Scholarship-En
Susie Miller Scholarship-En
Susie Miller Scholarship-Sp
Sutton Scholarship
Suzanne Apple Scholarship Fund-En
Swagelok Scholarship Program
Sweeney Family Scholarship
Sweeney Family Scholarship-Sp
Switzerland School District Scholarship-En
Sydney and Sonya Buck Fund to Honor Sheppard Black
Sylvia Reynolds Eckes Scholarship
Symphony Orchestra
T. Richard & Eleanora K. Robe Sch.
T. Richard and Eleanora K. Robe Leadership Institute Professorship-En
Tandrea Moone Carter & Elizabeth James Slaise Endowment for Change-Sp
Tandrea Moone Carter & Elizabeth James Slaise Endowment for Change
Teacher Education
Teacher Education Scholarship Fund-Sp
Ted R. Compton Memorial Scholarship
Templeton Scholars Program Support Fund
Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial
Teresa and Larry Gulick Endowed Scholarship
Teresa and Larry Gulick Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Teresa Tedrow Endowment Scholarship-En
Thai Language Support
The Aaron Michael Cox Memorial Scholarship
The Abby E. Teaford Memorial Nutrition Scholarship-En
The Abelina Suarez Memorial Education Scholarship-Sp
The Abraham, Ruth, Norman and Howard M. Clearfield Scholarship Endowment
The Abraham, Ruth, Norman and Howard M. Clearfield Scholarship Endowment-Sp
The Afyouni International Scholarship-EN
The Afyouni International Scholarship-Sp
The AGGKPR Friendship Scholarship-En
The AGGKPR Friendship Scholarship-Sp
The Alex and Joan Nagy Opportunity Scholarship-EN
The Alice Kindler Scholarship-Sp
The Alpha Gamma Delta Living Memorial Garden
The Alumni and Friends of Denny Dalen Award-En
The American Association of University Women-Chillicothe Branch Scholarship
The Andrew Nolan Memorial Scholarship-Sp
The Ann Wagner Hill Minority Scholarship-En
The Anne Cooper-Chen Scholarship
The Anne Snyder Journalism and Storytelling Scholarship-En
The Arden L. Findlay, D.O. and David A. Patriquin, D.O. Osteopathic Scholar
The Armitt James Spohn Scholarship Endowment
The Armitt James Spohn Scholarship Endowment-Sp
The Arthur L. Vorhies Endowed Scholarship-En
The Athena Cinema Marquee Support Fund
The Austin C. Furbee Endowed Fund-Sp
The Balogh Family Support Fund
The Barany Family Scholarship-En
The Barany Family Scholarship-Sp
The Barbara and Larry Margolis Advertising Scholarship-En
The Barbara J. Robisch Scholarship-En
The Beck Family School of Nursing Support Fund-En
The Beekman Family Engineering Scholarship
The Beulah Sellers-Davis Scholarship-En
The Bill and Peggy Walters from New Straitsville Scholarship Fund
The Bloemer Geography Scholarship
The Bobcat Seed Fund
The Boyd and Martin Family Endowed Scholarship
The Brian Phillips Memorial Scholarship
The Brian Stephens Housing and Residence Life Excellence Award-Sp
The Brittany Clark Boles Memorial Scholarship-En
The Brown-Fields Family Scholarship Endowment for Brothers RISE-En
The Brown-Fields Family Scholarship Endowment for Brothers RISE-Sp
The Bruce and Jane Porter Scholarship-En
The Bruce and Jane Porter Scholarship-Sp
The Burke Family Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship-En
The Calvin H Baloun Memorial Russ Vision Scholarship-En
The Calvin H Baloun Memorial Russ Vision Scholarship-Sp
The Carol J. Del Propost Endowed Scholarship-En
The Carol J. Del Propost Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Carolyn Brunk Keller Memorial Scholarship
The Carolyn Brunk Keller Memorial Scholarship-Sp
The Carroll Family Scholarship-Sp
The Center for International Studies General Scholarship Endowment
The Center for International Studies General Scholarship Endowment-Sp
The Charles and Judy Beck Endowment-En
The Charles Clifford Finch Scholarship-En
The Charlie and Becky Kendall Scholarship-En
The Charlotte E. LaTourrette Outdoor Recreation Scholarship-En
The Choral Music Studies Fund
The Chris Hondros Fund-En
The Christina Scarpitti-Plaks & Michael Plaks Scholarship-EN
The Chudy Family Scholarship
The Chudy Family Scholarship-Sp
The Clarence Page Scholarship for African American Students in Journalism-E
The Clarence Page Scholarship for African American Students in Journalism-S
The Clarke VanDervort Support and Scholarship Fund
The Clifton and Louise Baker Endowment for Civil Engineering Graduate Stude
The College of Business Building for the Future Fund
The College of Business General Endowment Fund
The College of Business General Support Fund
The College of Fine Arts Capital and Renovation Fund
The College of Fine Arts Community Engagement Fund
The Collegiate Recovery Community General Support Fund-Sp
The Colonel Frank E. Underwood, Sr. Scholarship Endowment-En
The Colonel William R. and Sarah H. Finnicum Army ROTC Scholarship Endowmen
The Community Health Programs General Support Fund
The Consumer Research Center Support Fund
The Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Support Fund
The Crane Hollow Collection Support Fund
The Crissman Family Scholarship
The Crissman Family Scholarship-Sp
The Cynthia and Hugh Sherman Scholarship-En
The Cynthia and Hugh Sherman Scholarship-Sp
The Dale E and Edith L (Pepper) Mansperger Scholarship-En
The Dance General Scholarship Endowment
The Dance General Scholarship Endowment-Sp
The Daniel E. Innis Scholarship
The Daniel Lewis - Arlen Saunders Material & Machine Maintenance Fund
The David C. Mitchell Scholarship in Communication-En
The David C. Mitchell Scholarship in Communication-Sp
The David Descutner Fund for Communication Studies
The David Kucharski Memorial Graduating Senior Award-Sp
The Dell Robinson Scholarship for Minorities in Sports Administration
The DeLoitte Faculty Award Fund
The Department of Aviation Support Fund-Sp
The Department of Classics & Religious Studies Alumni Fund
The Department of Mathematics General Scholarship Fund
The Diabetes Institute Support Fund
The Doctor and Mrs. Anthony G. Chila Osteopathic Medicine Career Award
The Don Flournoy Education in New Technology and Production Fund
The Donald M. Borchert Graduate Fellowship
The Doug Drew WOUB Student Professional Development Fund-En
The Dow and Linda Finsterwald Sports Management Scholarship
The Dr. & Mrs. Charles Hart Environmental & Occupational Health & Safety Sc
The Dr. Arthur W. Engelhard Appalachian Scholarship
The Dr. Arthur W. Engelhard Appalachian Scholarship-Sp
The Dr. Carolyn Bailey Lewis Scholarship Fund/Robert F. Lewis Memorial Fund
The Dr. Charles C. Nip Fund to Honor Rush Elliott-En
The Dr. Charles C. Nip Fund to Honor Rush Elliott-Sp
The Dr. David Chan Russ Vision Scholarship-Sp
The Dr. David H. Liggitt and Linda J. Fife Endowed Scholarship-En
The Dr. David H. Liggitt and Linda J. Fife Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Dr. George (Skip) Seese D.O. Memorial Scholarship-En
The Dr. Greg Applegate Scholarship
The Dr. Guy Riefler Acid Mine Drainage Program
The Dr. Harry Kaneshige Civil Engineering Scholarship
The Dr. Hugh Culbertson and Dr. Robert Stewart Scholarship in Journalism-En
The Dr. Jerry and Sylvia Shoup Electrical Engineering Senior Design Fund
The Dr. Jerry F. and Sylvia D. Shoup Russ Vision Scholarship-En
The Dr. Joseph Bunn Heidler Memorial Fund-En
The Dr. Prosper Yao Tsikata Fund for Graduate International Travel
The Dr. Ray and Marilyn Lamont Skinner Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. Ray and Marilyn Lamont Skinner Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Dr. Richard Bald Scholarship
The Dr. Richard Bald Scholarship-Sp
The Dr. Richard Vedder Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus Suppor
The Dr. Sam Jasper Scholarship-En
The Dr. Shad Sargand Russ Vision Engineering Scholarship
The Dr. Shad Sargand Russ Vision Engineering Scholarship-Sp
The Dr. Tommie Radd Professorship in School Counselor Education-En
The E. Ann Gabriel Endowed Scholarship-En
The E. Ann Gabriel Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Eberle Family Endowed Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Edmund K. Cheng Professorship for Electrical Engineering & Computer
The Edward Stevens Literacy Center-Sp
The Elaine Bess Scholarship
The Elaine Bess Scholarship-Sp
The Elizabeth Grover Beatty Scholarship Fund
The Elizabeth H. Farbman Political Science and History Scholarship
The Ellen Woodward Memorial Award-En
The Ellery Golos Lecture Fund
The Ellsworth Holden Award
The Endah Agustiana and Rudi Sukandar Communication Studies International T
The Endeavor Scholarship
The Eric and Sandy Peterson Excellence Scholarship-EN
The Exercise Physiology Support Fund
The Feeman Family Scholarship-En
The Feeman Family Scholarship-Sp
The Finance Advisory Council Fund
The Frank Scarlata - Behind the Scenes/Backstage Scholarship Award-En
The Frank Scarlata - Behind the Scenes/Backstage Scholarship Award-Sp
The Friends of Galbreath Chapel Endowment
The Friends of Recovery Scholarship Fund
The Gary G. Nakamoto Memorial Fund
The Gary M. and Kathleen S. Schumacher Freshman Psychology Scholarship-En
The Gary S. Neiman Graduate Research Scholarship Award Fund-En
The Gayle Fulford Mitchell Russ Vision Scholarship Fund
The Gayle Fulford Mitchell Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
The George Bruce Tudor Scholarship for Ohio University Lancaster-En
The George Floyd Memorial Scholarship Fund at Ohio University
The George Kontogiannis HCOM Dublin Scholarship
The George Weckman World Religions Prize
The Gerald T. Wilkinson Memorial Award-En
The Gerald T. Wilkinson Memorial Award-Sp
The Gladys W and David H Patton College of Education General Scholarship Fu
The Gordon K. Bush Aviation Scholarship
The Greg and Alice Kelly Greenwood Scholarship-En
The Greg and Alice Kelly Greenwood Scholarship-Sp
The GRID Lab General Support Fund
The Griffor Family Scholarship-En
The Griffor Family Scholarship-Sp
The Hannah L. Nissen Education Scholarship for Ohio University Zanesville-E
The Harold (Doc) Daugherty Family Scholarship-En
The Harold and Kathryn Young Veterans Scholarship
The Harry and Sarah Marie Pabst Adams Scholarship
The Harry and Sarah Marie Pabst Adams Scholarship-Sp
The Hartman Fund for Student Success
The Haskell Student Professional Development Fund
The Henry L. and Eve M. Hartman Memorial Scholarship-En
The Henry L. and Eve M. Hartman Memorial Scholarship-Sp
The Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine General Support Fund-Sp
The Honors Tutorial College Community Enhancement Fund
The Honors Tutorial College Directors of Studies Scholarship
The Honors Tutorial College Directors of Studies Scholarship-Sp
The Honors Tutorial College General Support Fund-Sp
The Houston Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Houston Alumni Chapter Scholarship-Sp
The Hubert and Constance Wilhelm Geography Scholarship-En
The Huron Foundation Scholarship
The Imes Family Student Activities Fund-Sp
The Industrial and Systems Engineering Board of Advisors Scholarship
The Isabel Courtney Hall Music Education Scholarship-En
The J David and Audrey Stewart Endowed Scholarship Fund-Sp
The J. Patrick O'Connor Sports Administration Scholarship
The J.R. Neuhart Scholarship-En
The J.R. Neuhart Scholarship-Sp
The J.W. Beam Endowed Scholarship-En
The J.W. Beam Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Jack Berkemeier Memorial Scholarship
The James W. Knight Russ Vision Scholarship Fund
The James W. Knight Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Janet and George Voinovich Faculty and Staff Leadership Award
The Jeanne Chaplin Sloan BSED '58 Scholarship in Education
The Jeanne Chaplin Sloan BSED '58 Scholarship in Education-Sp
The Jeffery D. Chaddock Rare Book Collection Endowment
The Jeffrey F. Lenihan, BSJ '83, MSA '84 Scholarship-En
The Jeffrey F. Lenihan, BSJ '83, MSA '84 Scholarship-Sp
The Jerry and Lova Ebbert Family Scholarship
The Jewish Studies Fund for the Department of Classics & Religious Studies-
The Joan Jurich Scholarship for Excellence in Engaged Learning
The Joan Jurich Scholarship for Excellence in Engaged Learning-Sp
The Joan Mace Russ Vision Aviation Scholarship
The Joan Mace Russ Vision Aviation Scholarship-Sp
The Joan McDonough, DO Cleveland Area Scholarship-Sp
The Joann B. Stedman International Student Grant Fund-En
The Joe Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
The John E. Durkot, BBA '64 Memorial Scholarship
The John E. Durkot, BBA '64 Memorial Scholarship-Sp
The John E. Edwards Endowment-En
The John Sabraw Arts and Innovation Fund
The Josh Nesser Memorial Scholarship-En
The Judge Frank McCown Veteran's Memorial Scholarship
The Judge Frank McCown Veteran's Memorial Scholarship-Sp
The Justine Skestos Scholarship
The Karen and Tim Corcoran Scholarship for Education at Ohio University Chi
The Katie & Peter Richardson Scholarship
The Katie & Peter Richardson Scholarship-Sp
The Keith and Judy McDonald Scholarship Fund-En
The Keith and Judy McDonald Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Ken Chaloupek Memorial Russ Vision Scholarship-En
The Kent-Rudolph Blue Crescent Scholarship Endowment-En
The Kerrigan Family Scholarship-En
The Keyboard Division Support Fund
The Ki-Chul Andrew Jung International Week Endowment Fund-En
The Killian Family Scholarship
The Killian Family Scholarship-Sp
The Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism-En
The Kurt A. Anderson Scholarship in English
The Langlais Family Scholarship-En
The Larry and Elizabeth McAllister Scholarship-En
The Larry E. Tipton Working Student Scholarship-En
The Leigh Ann Frick Leadership Scholarship-En
The Lengel Fund for the Arts-En
The Lengel Fund for the Arts-Sp
The Leonard Lazaroff MD Endowment Established in Memory of the Lazaroff Fam
The LGBT Center Pride Fund
The Lillian Zarzar Communication Studies Scholarship-En
The Lillian Zarzar Communication Studies Scholarship-Sp
The Linn Academic Improvement Award (Zanesville Campus)-En
The Litke Family Aviation Scholarship-En
The Lynn Johnson Collection Support Fund-Sp
The Lyon Family Scholarship
The Lyon Family Scholarship for Media Arts & Studies-Sp
The Lyon Family Scholarship for Media Arts & Studies-En
The Lyon Family Scholarship-Sp
The LZ Math Scholarship-En
The M. Duane and C. Ruth Nellis Scholarship
The M. Duane and C. Ruth Nellis Scholarship-Sp
The M. E. and P. E. Goldsberry Scholarship
The Manasseh Cutler Scholars Program General Scholarship Endowment-En
The Manasseh Cutler Scholars Program General Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Marching 110 Director's Fund
The Marching 110 Equipment Endowment
The Marching 110 Equipment Fund
The Marching 110 Student Support Fund
The Marie Griffiths Memorial Fund
The Mark Leff Internship Travel Fund-En
The Markulin-Rosan Scholarship
The Markulin-Rosan Scholarship-Sp
The Marlene and James Bruning Scholarship Fund for Undergraduate Psychology
The Marlene Davis Acus Endowed Scholarship-En
The Marlene Davis Acus Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Marta Jill Strand Honors Tutorial College Scholarship-En
The Marta Jill Strand Honors Tutorial College Scholarship-Sp
The Marvin E. White Teaching and Research Awards
The Mary Jane and Steven Dale Scholarship
The Mary Jane and Steven Dale Scholarship-Sp
The Mary T. Noss Endowed Scholarship-En
The Mathews Family Scholarship-En
The Mattie Conley Pre-Nursing Scholarship-En
The Maxine McCrory Memorial Scholarship Fund-En
The McClure School Alumni & Friends Scholarship-En
The McClure School Alumni & Friends Scholarship-Sp
The Medical Academy Support Fund
The Michael and Lori K. Peterson Ebony Bobcat Network Scholarship Endowment
The Michael H. Grasley Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Mike Finney Geospatial and Data Science Fellowship Fund-En
The Mildred L. Herzberger Scholarship
The Miller Family Scholarship
The Monique Mixner King Memorial Scholarship-En
The Moon Scholarship-Sp
The Multicultural Center Endowment-En
The Multicultural Center General Support Fund-Sp
The Musical Theater Scholarship Fund
The Musical Theater Support Fund
The Neville Rogers Graduate Student Scholarship-SP
The Norea and Creen GRID Lab Student Enhancement Fund
The Norman S. Cohn Research Fellowship in Plant Cell and Molecular Biology-
The OFIFOTO (One Foot in Front of the Other) Scholarship
The OFIFOTO (One Foot in Front of the Other) Scholarship-Sp
The Ohio Bobcat Club
The OHIO First Scholars Support Fund
The Ohio Reach Scholars Program Support Fund
The Ohio University Alumni Association Student Programming Fund
The Ohio University Chillicothe General Scholarship Endowment
The Ohio University Chillicothe General Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Ohio University Eastern Campus Scholarship Fund-En
The Ohio University Eastern General Scholarship Endowment
The Ohio University Eastern General Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Ohio University General Endowment Fund
The Ohio University Lancaster General Scholarship Endowment
The Ohio University Lancaster General Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Ohio University Museum Complex Support Fund
The Ohio University National Phonathon Award
The Ohio University Press General Support Fund
The Ohio University Southern General Scholarship Endowment
The Ohio University Southern General Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Ohio University Zanesville General Scholarship Endowment
The Ohio University Zanesville General Scholarship Fund-Sp
The OU Men's Crew
The OU Zanesville Student Emergency Fund
The OUE Athletics General Support Fund
The Overby, Katsumori, Ichioka--Article 9 Without Borders--Endowment Fund
The Pam Fronko Communication Scholarship
The Pamela DeSalvo Scholarship for Journalism-En
The Pamela DeSalvo Scholarship for Journalism-Sp
The Patrella Family Scholarship
The Patricia Butcher Cooper OHIO-in-LA Scholarship-En
The Patricia Kelly Ritner Scholarship-En
The Patrick and Ellen Campbell Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Patton College of Education General Endowment Fund
The Paul and Barbara Batchelder Russ Vision Scholarship Fund
The Paul and Barbara Batchelder Russ Vision Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Paul and Irene Koval Endowed Memorial Scholarship, Patton College of Ed
The Paul Bader and Ruth Bader Scholarship
The Paul F. Penko Mechanical Engineering Scholarship-En
The Peden Stadium Field Renovation Fund
The Philosophy Fund-En
The Poitinger Family Endowed Scholarship
The Poitinger Family Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Post Fund
The Post Student Support Fund
The Proctorville Park and Recreation Fund
The Public Interest Internship
The R. Kinsey Milleson Public Service Scholarship-En
The Raita and Jech Families Scholarship Endowment-En
The Raita and Jech Families Scholarship Endowment-Sp
The Randy and Theresa Leite Game 7 Scholarship-En
The Ray Fogg Sr. Construction and Business Management Lecture Series-Sp
The Raymond W. Acus, Jr. Russ Vision Scholarship
The Raymond W. Acus, Jr. Russ Vision Scholarship-Sp
The Reischman Family Scholarship
The Reischman Family Scholarship-Sp
The Religious Tolerance Collection at the Quinn Library at OUC in Memory of
The Renee A. Middleton, Dean, Endowed Scholarship for The Patton College of
The Rev. Dr. Francine C. Childs Social Justice Scholarship Endowment-En
The Richard & Donna Roberdeaux Scholarship-En
The Richard & Donna Roberdeaux Scholarship-Sp
The Richard A. DiCenso and Karen A. Moscoffian Scholarship Endowment-En
The Richard C. and Mileva M. Hartman Scholarship
The Richard C. and Mileva M. Hartman Scholarship-Sp
The Richard Couch Summer Internship in Chemistry-En
The Richard E. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship-En
The Richard Turner Jr. Scholarship-En
The Richard Wayne Fouss Air Force ROTC Memorial Scholarship-En
The Richard Wetzel Music Faculty and Staff Appreciation Fund-Sp
The Ridges
The Rinta Family Scholarship-En
The Rinta Family Scholarship-Sp
The Rita LaValley Campus Recreation Student Support Fund
The Robert and Anne Judd ISE Russ Vision Scholarship-En
The Robert and Anne Judd ISE Russ Vision Scholarship-Sp
The Robert and Anne Judd ISE Scholarship
The Robert D. and Barbara W. Davis Scholarship-En
The Robert D. and Barbara W. Davis Scholarship-Sp
The Robert J. Gannon Mechanical Engineering Russ Vision Scholarship-Sp
The Robert P. Gecsy Physics Scholarship
The Robert R. Kaithern Business Scholarship-En
The Roberts Family Scholarship-En
The Roberts Family Scholarship-Sp
The Roger and Katherine Feinthel History Scholarship
The Ron and Debbie Teplitzky Fund for Jewish Life at Ohio University
The Ronald E. and Michael E. Morrison Scholarship Fund-En
The Ronald E. and Michael E. Morrison Scholarship Fund-Sp
The Ronald Elliott Seide Memorial Scholarship
The Ronald Elliott Seide Memorial Scholarship-Sp
The Ross Griffin Greek Leadership Award
The Ross Griffin Memorial Scholarship-En
The Ross Griffin Memorial Scholarship-Sp
The Russ College Appalachian Scholarship
The Russ College Student Support Fund
The Russ Research Opportunity Center Construction and Maintenance Fund
The Scholarship for Change
The School of Accountancy General Scholarship Fund-Sp
The School of Music General Scholarship Endowment
The School of Music General Scholarship Endowment-Sp
The Scott J. Novak Scholarship
The Scripps School of Journalism Director's Innovation Fund
The Seckinger Family Scholarship
The Seubert Scholarship
The Shirley and William Fleischer Foreign Correspondence Internship
The Sitterley Trust Scholarships Spending Account
The Skivington College of Business Endowed Scholarship
The Skivington College of Business Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), Ohio Section 155
The STEMstart Student Support Fund
The Steve and Sharon Rowley Scholarship-Sp
The Steven and Patricia Krebs Scholarship-2
The Steven and Patricia Krebs Scholarship-2-Sp
The Sue Wall Scholarship for Excellence in Painting
The Susan and Vincent Marchetti Scholarship Fund
The Suzanne Ryan Curran Dalston Graduate Scholarship Endowment
The Suzy L. Geiger Memorial Scholarship-En
The Tantrum Theatre Support Fund
The Terrie Temkin Prize for Commitment to Excellence in Nonprofit Leadershi
The Terrie Temkin Prize for Commitment to Excellence in Nonprofit Leadershi
The Terry Shuchat Photography Scholarship-En
The Terry Shuchat Photography Scholarship-Sp
The Theresa Chelikowsky Scholarship in History-En
The Theresa Chelikowsky Scholarship in History-Sp
The Thom Wright II Memorial Scholarship
The Thomas and Anne Walker Latin American Studies Endowment
The Thomas Family Endowment
The Tim and Tammy Reynolds Select and Emerging Leaders Endowment
The Tim Holt College of Business Scholarship-Sp
The Todd and Maureen Blandford Scholarship-En
The Tom & Rebecca Ferguson Foundation Scholarship-En
The Tom and Sandy Shoemaker Family Fund-En
The Tom Burton Scholarship for First Generation Scholars at Ohio University
The Tony and Jan Buba Film Scholarship-En
The Tony and Jan Buba Film Scholarship-Sp
The Trotta, Haste, and Schulman Physical Therapy Scholarship
The Turner-Basilone Family Endowed Scholarship-En
The Turner-Basilone Family Endowed Scholarship-Sp
The Ty BSJ '84 Votaw Scholarship
The Ty BSJ '84 Votaw Scholarship-Sp
The Urban Family OUZ Nursing Program Support Fund
The Veterans and Military Student Services Scholarship Fund-En
The Vincent & Nancy DiGirolamo Scholarship
The Vincent & Nancy DiGirolamo Scholarship-Sp
The Walter O'Malley Scholarship Fund-En
The Wayne Hadley Travel Award-Sp
The Wears Family Endowment-En
The Weiner Family Professional Development Endowment
The Westfall Magazine Scholarship-En
The Wiedemer Sales Centre Endowment-En
The William C. Lehman and Mildred K. Lehman Scholarship
The William D. Huntsman Distinguished Professor Chemistry Student Scholarsh
The William F. Walker and Carol L. Walker Athletic Training Student Scholar
The William F. Walker and Carol L. Walker Athletic Training Student Scholar
The Zelma S. Holmes Scholarship-EN
Theater Distinguished Visiting Artist Series-En
Thelma A. Robinson Music Therapy Scholarship-En
Theodore and Patricia Zajac Engineering Scholarship
Thomas A. and Melanie R. Birchler Scholarship
Thomas A. and Melanie R. Birchler Scholarship-Sp
Thomas Edwin Wilkes Scholarship-En
Thomas Golding Scholarship Fund
Thomas Golding Scholarship Fund-Sp
Thomas H. Streich Memorial Scholarship-En
Thomas L. & Melissa W. Bixler Scholarship-En
Thomas L. Peltier Family Scholarship-En
Thomas L. Peltier Family Scholarship-Sp
Thomas P. Brown Business Management Scholarship
Thomas W. Smith Foundation George Washington Forum Post-Doctoral Fellow
Tilton OUL Electronic Media Fund
Tim Holt College of Business Scholarship
Timothy Price Scholarship in Geography
Tish & Ray Wagner International Student
Todd and Teresa Calamita Leadership Scholarship-En
Tom & Susan Crites Price Scholarship Award-Sp
Tom and Jan Hodson Leadership and Excellence Fund
Tom and Jan Hodson LGBT Student Support Fund
Tom Dearing and Laralyn Sasaki Dearing Experiential Education Fund
Tom Dearing and Laralyn Sasaki Dearing Experiential Education Fund-Sp
Tom Eastman Memorial Scholarship
Tom Starr "Miracles for Life" Scholarship-En
Tomoff Scholarship
Travis C. Middleman Scholarship-En
Tropical/Geographical Disease Institute Fund
TV Underwriting
Tyler Weymouth Memorial Scholarship-En
Ultimate Frisbee Alumni Legacy Scholarship-En
Ultimate Frisbee Simons Family Legacy Support Fund-Sp
University Bands
University College
University College General Scholarship Endowment
University College General Scholarship Fund-Sp
University College Scholarship Support Fund
Upward Bound
Urban Scholars General Scholarship Endowment
Urban Scholars General Scholarship Fund-Sp
Urban Scholars General Support Fund
Urban Scholars Program Book Fund
Urda Traenkle Memorial Scholarship-En
Ursula and Gilbert Farfel First Generation Scholarship-En
Ursula Feer Farfel Scholarship in Classics-En
Ursula Feer Farfel Scholarship/Modern Languages-En
USMP Midnight Ramblers Fund II-En
Uva McHarg Award Fund
Velma Phillips HHS Endowment
Vernon R. & Marion Alden Library Endowment-En
Veterans' Services Fund
Vibrancy Theater Fund-Sp
Victor L. Cody Indigent Student Tuition
Viehweger Scholarship
Vincent C. Byrd Family Scholarship
Vincent C. Byrd Family Scholarship-Sp
Violet L. Patton Center for Arts Education
Virginia Hahne Scholarship
Virginia Vaughn Lenhart and Joseph M. Cox International Film Festival Fund
Vishwa S. Shukla Memorial Scholarship-En
Visual Communication
Visual Communication Gallery Support Fund-Sp
Vivian Roberts Home Economics Faculty Award-En
Voinovich Fellows Program
Voinovich Leadership Scholarship
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs Director's Innovation Fun
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service-Sp
Voinovich School Public Administration Program
W. Barry Adams Scholarship-En
W. Barry Worthing-Phi Kappa Tau Memorial Scholarship.-En
W. Harold and Kathryn L. Young Veterans Scholarship
W. R. Konneker The Ohio University Foundation Research Endowment-Sp
W.F. Dickens Family Scholarship
W.T.F. Condee Time Out Award-Sp
Wallace and Rebecca L. Hodes Memorial Foreign Correspondence Internship End
Wallace J. Cameron Memorial Scholarship
Walter J. Costello PhD Memorial Scholarship-En
Ward Family Scholarship-En
Warren and Gussie Reininga Scholarship-En
Warren General Hospital Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Warren K. Brown Endowed Scholarship
Warren K. Brown Endowed Scholarship-Sp
Wayne and Robin Holland Scholarship
Wayne E. Williams Fund-En
Weiss-Mulgrew Family Scholarship Fund
Weiss-Mulgrew Family Scholarship Fund-Sp
Wellworks Fund
Wervey Arnold Family Scholarship for the Scripps College of Communication
Wervey Arnold Family Scholarship for the Scripps College of Communication-S
Wilfred R. Konneker-Charles J. Ping General Endowment for the Cutler Schola
Wilfred R. Konneker-Manasseh Cutler Scholars Award-En
William A. Day Award
William and Cecilia Bees Scholarship
William D. Kelton Scholarship Fund
William H. Morris and Ernest C. Fenderson Scholarship
William H. Morris and Ernest C. Fenderson Scholarship-Sp
William Hilyard Family Scholarship-En
William L. and Barbara F. Kennard Scholarship
William M. & Mildred R. Richardson Family-En
William M. Goodwin Scholarship
William M. Goodwin Scholarship-Sp
William M. Voss Scholarship-En
William U. Snyder Memorial Scholarship-En
Wilmer C. Harris Memorial Scholarship
Wimmer/Patterson Urban Dance Award-En
Wimmer/Patterson Urban Dance Award-Sp
Wolfert Family Sports Administration Scholarship-En
Wolfert Family Sports Administration Scholarship-Sp
Women in Philanthropy of Ohio University (WIP) Endowment-En
Women's Basketball
Women's Center-Sp
Women's Crew
Women's Field Hockey
Women's Golf
Women's LaCrosse Club
Women's Programming at Ohio University Lancaster
Women's Soccer
Women's Softball
Women's Swimming and Diving Support Fund
Women's Track
Women's Volleyball
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
WOUB Center for Public Media
Yeats-Smith-Nance Geology Field Camp Endowment-En
Ying-Chien Chang Graduate Scholarship in the Department of Geological Scien
Ying-Chien Chang Graduate Scholarship in the Department of Mathematics
Ying-Chien Chang Graduate Scholarship in the Department of Physics and Astr
Youngstown/Warren Medical Education Fund
Yousef M. Faroniya Scholarship
Yvette McGee Brown Scholarship
Yvette McGee Brown Scholarship-Sp
Zanesville Campus Employee Scholarship
Zanesville Campus Fundraiser-Sp
Zanesville Campus Recreation Project
Zanesville Intramural Athletics
Zanesville Nursing Fund
Zanesville Scholarship Endowment-En
Zelina Engineering Scholarship-Sp
Zorn Family Business Scholarship
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